I'm a lover, not a fighter. The fact that I enjoy blowing targets to smithereens doesn't change that, does it? We are fortunate here in Kentucky to have the Knob Creek Gun Range. They host two big shows a year where you can fire machine guns and watch exhibitions of military weaponry. For those of us who truly believe in "peace through superior firepower," this is an amazing event.
So, imagine my surprise, while Googling the event, to find that this particular show in 2003 was listed as an Extremist event on the Anti-Defamation League's website. They mention militia encampments as part of the reason it's considered "extremist." I take issue with the idea that militia are extremists. They may be the only line of defense if, God forbid, John Kerry becomes President and subjugates U.S. sovereignty to Kofi and his band of crooks! C'mon ADL, let's be realistic about who we classify as "extremists!"