October 18, 2009 -- Mark your calendars for a new type of Tea Party to debut " Not Evil Just Wrong " in homes across the fruited plain! In an email broadcast I received today from Americans for Prosperity : Two courageous Irish film-makers, Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer, have spent 3 years and over $1 million creating a power-packed, entertaining documentary called "Not Evil, Just Wrong" that details the real consequences of draconian global warming "solutions" – both here in the United States and across the world. Americans for Prosperity is partnering with Ann and Phelim on a massive grassroots effort to turn the tables on our opponents. On October 18, our coalition will hold the largest premiere of any documentary in American history. Our goal is simple: on October 18 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time literally tens-of-thousands of grassroots Americans like you and me will hold viewings of their film - Not Evil, Just Wrong - in homes, at local community event...