Is it just me, or does anyone else find this outrageous? Apparently, the racist treatment of slaves in the Old South as showcased in "Gone with the Wind" is appropriate cartoon treatment for Dr. Condoleeza Rice -- a woman who has achieved so very much in her life and done so much for this country. I mean, every one of these cartoons -- all of them are linked under the heading "Libs hit new low" at the top of Rush's website today -- are offensive to anyone with any sense! When the Libs don't like something, they're the first to display their true colors of bigotry. As if the cartoons weren't enough, the UK Mirror makes a point of shaming our President (a white man) for turning to his trusted advisor (evidently considered to be an "uppity" black woman by Liberals) for advice!
I suppose the old Dixiecrat mentality lives on in the modern Democrat party, eh? Where are the outraged defenders of the black community? Rev. Jackson? Julian Bonds? Where are yooooooou? If nothing else pushes up the number of black registered Republicans for the next election, the Libs will do it single-handedly with this garbage!
They ought to be ashamed of themselves. The Left can't seem to get their own "political correctness" correct. Maybe the Left has decided to define "political correctness" based on political party rather than on the simple rules for being decent human beings. It's simply wrong to lampoon someone based on the color of her skin... even when you don't like her. It's wrong.
I suppose the old Dixiecrat mentality lives on in the modern Democrat party, eh? Where are the outraged defenders of the black community? Rev. Jackson? Julian Bonds? Where are yooooooou? If nothing else pushes up the number of black registered Republicans for the next election, the Libs will do it single-handedly with this garbage!
They ought to be ashamed of themselves. The Left can't seem to get their own "political correctness" correct. Maybe the Left has decided to define "political correctness" based on political party rather than on the simple rules for being decent human beings. It's simply wrong to lampoon someone based on the color of her skin... even when you don't like her. It's wrong.
Not "even when you don't like them", but "most especially when you don't like them!"
'Breathe not the sins of others, lest thine own sins be magnified.' warns The Glory of God.
Racism is wrong, no matter who, no matter when. We show our own 2-by-4 of shortcoming when we point out a perceived mote of imperfection in another.
Could not get the stupid blog account to recognize me....
Libs seem to believe that the ends justify the means. Therefore, it is fair to accuse your oponent of any thing and to use any attack. The guilty liberal may really be hiding a bigot. Most of the libs that I know say rather prejudiced things about inter-racial marriage , and yet will say with great conviction that Republicans are racists.
go figure.