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Showing posts from February, 2005

Random thoughts not in the news

I can't help but blog a bit about something that has risen in my consciousness this past week or two: competition. Don't expect news links here or anything... it's simply that a number of interesting situations recently have added up to a single point of curiousity for me. Can it be that many of our political differences can be attributed to how we view the spirit of competition (good or bad)? My 4-year-old niece recently lost at Scrabble Junior (apparently for the first time ever). She looked at me and said, "You and I both won!" I said, "Nope. I won but you played a marvelous game!" and extended my hand for a handshake in the spirit of good gamesmanship. She wouldn't shake it and instead answered with, "Well, it doesn't really matter who won." What, I ask you, are they teaching her in pre-school? That if YOU aren't the winner then it really isn't necessary to acknowledge the game well-played? While listening to a radio talk sh...

It's Friday...

need I say anymore than that? The work week is over; Bush's European dog and pony show is done; my homework has been submitted; and I won at cards tonight... ah! Does it get any better? ;-)

Nearly HALF will go Unidentified

I am so sorry to report that the forensic search to identify the remaining 42% of the 9/11 victims has come to an end . New York's Medical Examiner's office has so far identified the remains of 1,585 of the 2,749 victims who died, using DNA, dental records, or bits of jewelry. Only eight remains have been identified since September, and at most only two or three more bodies are likely to be identified. The remaining families will soon receive letters explaining that the limits of forensic science been reached for now. Nearly ten thousand unidentified bone and tissue fragments have been sealed and stored in case developments in technology allow for identification in the future. Of those killed, 42 percent remain unidentified due to difficulties in getting DNA samples from the remains. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain and sorrow the families of the unidentified victims have endured lo these three years. The waiting has come to an end but not a conclusion for them. Maybe so...

Virtual Moonbat (as if we don't have enough ACTUAL ones?)

Okay, this may be old news to some of you but I just ran across the funniest little gizmo for the sidebar of my blog. I am always amazed by the things that people do to entertain others... and then happily give us permission to use to entertain yet others! hehehe Sean Gleeson is one such person. Evidently he created this a while back but I just ran across it this evening. If you haven't noticed, please take note of the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat in the sidebar of my blog. It's a hoot! And, trust me on this, it is just like some of the goofy nonsense that the actual moonbats spew at protests when countered with some good old fashioned Conservative logic! hehehe Nice job and thanks for loaning out the fun to others, Sean! Sean's blog is a lot of fun to read, so do pay a visit this generous, humorous, humanitarian blogger. ;-)

Oh, What a Web the Left Weaves

Leave it to David Horowitz of Front Page Magazine to launch an " unspinning " of that web for the rest of us. The website is a giant blackhole that will suck in all your leisure web-browsing time, so use it wisely. I'm still clicking away and engrossed with all the information there. The Left isn't too happy about this new "Discover the Network" project which obviously means that Horowitz is definitely on their trail!

What's wrong with this picture?

Absolutely nothing. If you look closely at the picture above, you will note that all the Marines pictured are bowing their heads. That's because they're praying. This incident took place at a recent ceremony honoring the birthday of the corps and it has the ACLU up in arms. "These are federal employees," says Lucius Traveler, a spokesman for the ACLU, "on federal property and on federal time. For them to pray is clearly an establishment of religion, and we must nip this in the bud immediately." When asked about the ACLU's charges, Colonel Jack Fessender, speaking for the Commandant of the Corps said (cleaned up a bit), "Screw the ACLU. God bless our warriors. Send the ACLU to France."

Irony Lives!

For those of you who think the Dept. of Defense has no sense of humor or that the US Navy has lost its sense of irony, I give you the ATTACK sub named Jimmy Carter ! No one points out the irony any better than Scott Ott . Let's all pray the North Koreans and the Iranians don't develop intercontinental ballistic nerf missiles...

A Legend at the Louisville Palace in April

Okay, I know I've been absent a while and have had no serious thoughts on politics in weeks. Yes, I've had the flu and I've been out of town on business but I know those aren't serious excuses for missing so much time on the blog... I return to seriousness today with this little bit of news: JOHN PRINE , the legendary Kentuckian who wrote the most fun and folky music of the Baby Boomer generation, will be appearing with Leon Redbone at the Louisville Palace on Friday 4/29/05 at 8pm. For those of you who don't know this legend, he is the Bob Dylan of the folk/country set. John has just about as much singing talent as Dylan and is as good or better a poet! He can paint a picture of the country in Kentucky like no one else. I can't imagine that any other artist has as much fun with the English language as does Prine. John Prine has always had a special place in my heart after seeing him play live one night (ages ago before fame and fortune befell him) at the Iron...

Mad How Disease

A new gem from Russ Vaughn posted originally at Mad How Disease Words recently read have just so made my day, Some whimsical wisdom from sage Austin Bay, Who points out profoundly and slick as you please, The Democrat Party has Mad How Disease. The infection most certainly is iatrogenic, From too many visits to Dr. Dean’s clinic. They should have been warned that they should be wary Of getting too chummy with the Left’s Typhoid Mary. With such manifest symptoms, diagnosis is simple, That boil on their butt is now more than a pimple. Diagnosing the pathogen’s really no chore: Yellow streak down the back, an aversion to war. Beginning mid-body there’s a leftward progression, Higher levels of bile and mounting aggression. Some victims of Mad How go totally postal, Especially those diagnosed as being bi-coastal. A most telling trait is a Roquefort stench And delirious devotion to anything French. Older victims on campus seem sal...

Cancel that APB on the Missing Blogger...

Sorry to be missing in action for so long! I'm in Durham, NC on business all week. It's been a challenging week from morning 'til night so I haven't had any quality blogtime. I promise to report in full when I get back to Louisville. In the meantime, be sure to harrass a Liberal or two for me. I'm not running into any in NC! ;-)
Did anyone see the Senior Windbag from Massachusetts in the audience tonight?
And now a rebuttal from Mr. Magoo and Skeletor...

Moving State of the Union Speech

At this very moment, after watching the President deliver the most moving State of the Union speech ever, I could not possibly be prouder to be an American! I couldn't be prouder of our President, our troops, and the Iraqis! Can we ship the Dems to Iraq and bring the good decent Iraqi people here?... God bless those wonderful parents and their son. Hat tip to the FReeper who posted the above pic during the live thread on Free Republic tonight. There were a number of FReepers who were quick on the draw with pictures during the speech and rebuttal. It's a load of fun to participate in the live threads there during historic moments. I'll be posting some more of the "fun" in a few moments.

Let's Support Our Troops!

Thanks my new-found interest in reading as much of Russ Vaughn's writing as I can, I found an article by him on the ChronWatch site . Thanks for making us aware of a way in which we can ALL support our troops. It doesn't take a lot of time; it doesn't take any money... Let's do it! Thanks, Russ!

New Russ Vaughn Poem! LOVE IT!

The Fool and the Traitor Written by Russ Vaughn Tuesday, February 01, 2005 One came to us sooner, the other came later, The first is a Fool the second’s a Traitor. The Fool showed his colors in dark murky waters Giving fathers good cause to lock up their daughters. Stern Teddy decries we’ve no plan to get out, Invoking his own, an unbridled rout. To him exit strategy has but one purpose, Get the door open and swim to the surface. The Traitor, well folks, that’s more complicated, His history’s distorted, war records inflated. He’s a hero he claims but his buddies say no, Leaving him as a hero with no place to go. When our country was bleeding, he bled us with leeches, Giving false testimony, which history impeaches. Then somehow expected that we’d all forget, And elect him commander, oh sure, John, you bet. Getting back to the Fool, do we heed this old boozer, Who constantly tells us that we are a loser? When facts tell us different, tell us we are a winner...