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New Party Catch Phrase

Howard Dean has asked The People's Cube to help craft a new catch phrase for the party. You can help! And, with gems like these, you might want to act quickly before Dean picks one:

If it ain't easy, it ain't workin'!

Why is everyone else so stupid?

Islamists don't cause war, stupid, our military does!

While you're at The People's Cube, don't miss the new articles on meetings between the new Democrat leaders on the Hill and Al Qaeda. They are already hard at work solving the world's problems in a bipartisan way!


Anonymous said…
Looking forward to seeing you in the 'ville on the journalist panel. I see your company on stage will be Mark Nickolas from

Looking forward to seeing him too because he is violating Tax Exempt Tax Code laws (IRS Publication 557). I will be asking him to produce the 2005 Annual Report, all supporting information and the Exemption Application for the Foundation for Kentucky's Future, Inc. Also, I'll be asking him for the REAL address for the Registered Agent, as opposed to the invalid Address his is currently using.

You can watch is reaction. It should be interesting. See you Thursday!!!
Rena Bernard said…
Yikes, Anonymous! (Gee, I used to think only the Dems didn't give a name...)

I certainly hope you don't intend to disrupt the whole Louisville SPJ meeting program with this. Conservatives have been known to behave themselves in public... are you a Conservative? or is this a Democrat "get-even" for the whole Nickolas-Lundergan spat?

At any rate, I've wondered lately if he does the Bluegrass Report thing full-time because of the amount of time he's able to spend writing. It sure sounds like he is indeed blogging full-time -- as a non-profit enterprise? If that's the case, then I suppose there would be questions, huh?

Do behave yourself though! This looks to be a very interesting discussion... well, provided the intention is not simply to serve up ConservaChick casserole as the main course. I'm fairly sure I'll be the minority at this gathering. ;o)
Anonymous said…
Dawn, it may be common knowledge to you and your immediate circle of friends, but some of the knuckledraggers may not be aware that the People's Cube is a satirical site - a sort of pale, right-wing imitation of the Onion. It probably would be journalistically more honest for you to point that out.

What? You didn't know that? And you have no readership anyway?

Never mind.

You being included in an SPJ forum with Nickolas is the best thing that's ever happened to your readership numbers. It's increased them, I'd guess, by a factor of 10 - to a total of 11.

Enjoy it while you can - the curiosity factor will disappear as soon as the forum is over.

Doesn't it ever occur to any of you rightie bloggers to wonder why BGR gets so many more readers than you?

It's not because Nickolas is so brilliant - though he does seem to be a fairly intelligent person on most days and most topics.

It's not because his politics are reliably leftie, though that is of course the main direction of his leanings.

And it's not because he's got an "in" with influential people, though he does have some pretty significant contacts.

The reason so many people have come to respect Mark Nickolas and his blog is, IMHO, because he respects his readers - at least, the ones deserving of respect. Even the right-wingers who conduct themselves with dignity (as opposed to the ranters) get a modicum of respect from Nickolas - though not always from the commenters.

He respects the intelligence of his readers, and although there have been glaring exceptions to this, he usually admits it when he makes a mistake.

And after having read a little bit from nearly all the Kentucky Conservative Blogs of Kentucky, as they were called by its founder, I don't see that respect on any - ANY - of those sites. The main thrust of most of the conservative sites I've visited is that "you folks are not as smart as I am, so here's what I think you should believe."

Mark has a point of view, no question about it, and he's not shy about expressing it - but he has NEVER, as far as I have ever seen, written anything in which he tells his readers what they SHOULD think. He provides information, offers an opinion on most of it, and then gets out of the way so the readers can comment on what THEY think of it. The same may not be said of most or all of the rightie blogs I've seen.

To post the "New Party Catch Phrase" item without a disclaimer that it's intended as parody is simply irresponsible - and to me, symptomatic of why conservative blogs languish with few readers, while BGR has developed a reputation as a site to read when one wants information on KY politics relating to either party.

Instead of wondering why Mark is so successful and your consortium isn't, and complaining that he "sucks all the air out of the blogosphere", as someone did recently, why don't you see if you can't learn something from his success? Not imitate him, but on your own terms, do what he does - behave as if you think the people who read here are smart and have their own opinions that should be respected, rather than dumb and easily led, and only here for you to tell them what they should think.

Hey, it couldn't hurt - after all, what have you got to lose?

And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, then I rest my case.
Anonymous said…
Dawn, I see from the 7:51 post that Mark Nickolas has entered the forum here.

Fact is, people read Nickolas' blog to see the lastest slander. You know, kind of like people flocking to watch a public hanging?

Mark, since you are reading this blog now, bring your 2005 Annual Returns, Exemption Application Thursday as you are required by IRS Pub. 557 pp. 13-15 to do. Also, please disclose the REAL Registered Agent's address as opposed to the invalid one you use. Grant it, you hide behind a PO Box but you WILL be in a public forum. You claim to be a 501(C)4 so you must abide by ALL tax laws. See ya thursday Mark Louis Nickolas
Anonymous said…
I am not Mark Nickolas. You know that.

You should find something else to do besides this obsession with Mark's financial records. Either that, or do something besides post all over the Internet on a topic that could be resolved quite easily: simply send Mark a formal request for the public portion of the records, to his address of record. Send it via registered mail addressee only, to ensure he receives it. If he refuses, then file a complaint with the IRS. If you're right, I'm sure they'll be happy to hear from you.

But you won't do that, because that wouldn't allow you to flame out like you've been doing.

I have neither the time nor the interest for this conversation. Stuff like this is what makes people like me think people like you are loonies.

Dawn, you really shouldn't let people like this anonymous poster hijack your blog. Surely even you must realize the guy "ain't right".

Buh-bye now.
Anonymous said…
Rich or Mark or Mark or Rich,

Funny you suggest writing to the address of record. You see, the address of record is ... INVALID. It isn't a valid address for the Foundation for Kentucky's Future Inc. The address of record is a phony address for him - it belongs to a dentist. Go figure.

Second, the IRS requires public disclosure and does NOT require the request be a written request. All that is required is that anyone, annonymous, or otherwise, ask for the records. In fact, all one has to do, even annonymously, is go to the address of record and ask to see it from anyone in the office. But, since the address of record is INVALID and Mark Nickolas cannot even receive MAIL there - He has recieved mail in his PO Box asking for the records but - he won't sign the Certified Mail and sends it back to addressee. Ok, is HE hiding from someone? There HAS to be a good reason Mark Nickolas is using an invalid address. BTW: the KY. Sec of State REQUIRES the Registered Agent address be current BY LAW. Read the Sec of State. Read ppg 13-15 of IRS Pub. 557. Pay very close attention to the Penalty section. Rich, or Mark
Anonymous said…
Foundation for Kentucky's Future, Inc to date:
1. The address of record is invalid.
2. Mark pretends not to read the requests on his own blog.
3. Mark won't publish the requested information on line.
4. Mark does not sign Certified Mail.
5. Mark has Certified Mail sent back to sender.

HE has left the public NO CHOICE - he will HAVE to explain this on Thursday. Even Rich Miles has to agree that would be the best way to do it.
Anonymous said…
rich miles exemplifies the what this “rightwing knuckle dragger” has learned to anticipate from a liberal: Attempt to deride and dismiss anyone offering an opposing viewpoint. Then he continues and accuses Dawn of using every disrespectful tact that he himself demonstrates in his first post.

Thank for the reinforcement.
Rena Bernard said…
Well Rich, so many comments and so little time for response. So, I'll tackle it in a pointed fashion:

(1) I don't get many knuckle-draggers on this blog unless a Dem gets a wild hair and decides to visit. I respect the intelligence of my regular readership; therefore, there is no need to point out what is obvious satire. If you spotted it, I feel quite confident that the other knuckle-draggers who stop in out of curiosity will as well.

(2) Thanks for all the lovely tips on how to be successful like Mark; however, I write this wee little blog simply because I enjoy it. I have a career in which metrics are extremely important, in which I accomplish set goals and objectives, and in which I am successful. ConservaChick is not my career; it is a hobby. It's not about metrics or success; it's about doing something I enjoy and sharing it with others who may enjoy it as well.

(3) My blog is not being "hijacked" by anyone. I write the main posts and readers are free to comment on those posts or on whatever is on their minds at the time. If you comb back far enough in the archives, you'll find that I believe commenters are their own best character witnesses. Many of the drive-bys on this blog "ain't right" and I leave it to readers to figure that out. I have never, nor will I ever, moderate the comments on this blog. Free speech and diversity of thought are crucial to a civilized society; one day I hope that the Left will stop giving lip service to those concepts and actually embrace them.

Thanks for stopping in, Rich. I'm glad you took time to let me know what you thought of my wee little corner of the blogosphere. I especially appreciate your willingness to assign yourself a name other than "anonymous."
Anonymous said…
Dawn, Once again, you have impressed this lefty. I hope you are true to your comments above as you say them so eloquently. You are so right about embracing the democratic platform. As a Democrat I know the platform quit well.

1. Free speech, so long as no one screams "fire" in a packed theater. Hence, to stifle, delete or ban an opposing view is not part of the Democratic platform. Additionally, to stifle, delete or ban someone for pointing out someone else that may or may not be breaking the law is also not part of the Democratic platform ... which takes us directly to number 2.

2. There are laws of the land that simply must be followed. Equality for all, not just equality for a few. That is what the Labor union was all about in the 1920's. People were not being treated fairly by employers and often times men/women/children would die working for a pittance.

3. Democrats believe, and I being a Democrat do not sway from this, that taxes are important for many reasons. Taxes help the have-nots with foodstamps, housing, medical and other subsidies. Taxes pay for many social welfare programs and most importantly taxes help pay for our military.

Tax Code Laws for Tax Exempt 501(c)4 are found in IRS Publication 557 PAGE 47.

Tax Code LAWS for Public Disclosure of ALL 501(c)4 is in IRS Pub. 557 pages 13-15.

Taxes help pay for our country being top notch in military technology. Hence, taxes are not implemented to be punishment they implemented because "we the people" depend on tax money in many venues.

Therefore, when a citizen of this country has the appearance of skirting tax laws by, perhaps, avoiding reporting income, or receiving tax exempt income all the while breaking tax exempt tax laws, then ALL democrats should be incensed and ask questions or at the very least investigate and report if there appears to be an infraction.

No one is accusing any one of breaking laws. However, it appears that Mr. Nickolas is behaving very unusual.

First he has an invalid Registered Agent address.

Second he claims to be a tax exempt 501(c)4 and admits he pays personal legal fees with the money AND he tells contributors that their names don't have to be reported.

Third, The IRS has never, ever heard of, and has no record of the Foundation for Kentucky's Future, Inc. Therefore, the IRS does NOT have the corporation set up as a TAX EXEMPT org because there is NO record of the Foundation AT ALL. If you question this simply phone:
1-8001-877-829-5500. See page 47 of IRS Pub. 557 for LAWS and pages 13-15 IRS Pub. 557 for disclosure laws.


Fourth, (c)4 organizations are LIMITED in the amount of politics they can discuss and extremely LIMITED to getting actively involved in politics.


Fifth, (c)4 organizations are prohibited from paying Directors or any stock holder any income, yet Mr. Nickolas is earning his income from the (c)4 he set up.

Sixth, (c)4 are prohibited from endorsing any one candidate.

Seventh, PAC's can pay a salary to their Directors BUT the names of contributors are to be open records to the public.

So, either Nickolas is operating a PAC - in which he STILL must give Public Disclosure on Annual Returns and Exemption Application AND THE CONTRIBUTOR LIST must be made public. OR - Nickolas is a (c)4 in violation of paying the Director AND getting involved in politics and thus far, refusing to disclose the Annual Returns and Exemption Application which both carry a penalty.

I think it odd, especially from a Democrat, that anyone could condone or help hide money from the IRS. Not only is it a slap to ALL taxpayers, but even worse, it is stealing from the beneficiaries of taxes. That is shameful and that is most likely why there is a reward from the IRS for anyone that reports such behavior.

When a person that accuses MOST politicians and public figures of being crooks, thieves, liars, adulterists, unethical, cheaters, financially corrupt, well, that person had better make sure HE/SHE follows ALL TAX LAWS to the "T."

The bar raises even higher when that person is a Democrat and when that person has made himself a public figure.
Anonymous said…
anon 4:46,

If the IRS hasn't ever heard of the Foundation for Kentucky's Future, Inc., how could it be a PAC or a 501(c)4? I mean, if the IRS has no record of the Corporation, then that must mean there has never been any filing of any annual returns or exemption application of any kind?

Which opens a host of questions, if so, then how in the world could he receive contributions? How are those contributions being reported? If the IRS never heard of the Corporation, what Fed. Id. number is on the bank account for the Corporation? Even my grandchildren's banks send the IRS information at the end of the year with their SS number. If the bank were to send financial information the IRS would have heard of the corporation.

Well no matter if you're red or blue it seems to me that there are many valid questions that should be asked of this gentleman and most importantly, he should answer them if he is purporting to be a Corporation that is tax exempt he should behave like one.

I like your comment that paying taxes is not a punishment. It feels like a punishment when I pay them, but when I am reminded of all the beneficiaries it isn't so hard a blow.

Yes, this gentleman should be asked the host of questions his actions give rise to and hopefully, he has good answers.
Anonymous said…
Snotty and snide, just the way one would expect it from republicans.

I won't get into the mud with you folks, but I will point out a tiny little inconsistency in the Mark-obsessed One:

If the address of record belongs to a dentist, then how can you know Mark is actively refusing to sign the registered mail? By your own statements, he can't be receiving them. So how can he be refusing to sign them?

Just curious.

Enough of this. I'm not Nickolas's apologist, and I frankly don't know if he's in compliance with all applicable tax law. But more to the point, if the IRS doesn't care, then I don't either, and it's mystifying to me why you've spent so much time and energy in what amounts to an online stalking.

So if all that blather you keep repeating, probably several hundred times by now, is true, and you can't force him to reply, NOW would be the time to file the complaint with the IRS, don't you think?

Or do you actually prefer to be an obnoxious waster of time and bandwidth?
Anonymous said…
Dear Rich, Thank you so kindly for reading about the possible infractions of your friend. I know it must hurt, and for that it is a shame.

For your information, requests have been sent to the P.O.Box that Mark uses on his website. The mailman always brings them back due to refusal to sign.

The address of record, also known as the Registered Agent's address can be found at Kentucky Secretary of State office website.

The address used, is:
3550 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville Kentucky 40207.

The building is owned by Dr. Osborne (dentist) who admits Mark stopped paying rent at that address over 1.5 years ago and he has no knowledge of his current location. If you wish, call Dr. Osborne, home 812-752-3727 or office 502-896-6547. Currently Dr. Osborne is renting that building to a different dentist. Note: a dentist is not a blogger even though they can both hurt real bad if they misuse their tools of the trade.

I don't know why you would assume the IRS doesn't care. The IRS is real funny about their laws being violated. In fact, you don't know what the IRS is doing. In fact, you don't know if I am with the IRS do you Rich, or are you Mark?

Rich, do you know what the IRS agent said to the guy that said, "Gee, Mr. IRS man I am sorry I broke that law no one ever explained it to me." The IRS agent replies, "ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law."

That is a funny one isn't it Rich. We have more.

By the way, I hear that Mark called his "troops" to crash the KDP meeting Saturday but he didn't want to go because it would be about "him." How was showing up with two other Mark followers but NO Mark? Just curious.
Anonymous said…
Dear Rich, After you call Dr. Osborne and after you ask Mark to show the IRS records required by law and he ignores you are you still going to think he is the greatest.

A democrat not paying taxes?
A democrat not following Tax Laws?

I think the poster above raised excellent questions.
Where is that money going?
Under what Fed.ID number?
Who, if anyone is reporting it?

Again, Rich the IRS is real funny and they like do to linger ... it makes them feel good when the penalties and interest ADD UP. That really is a part of the training.

Hey Rich, I challenge YOU to ask him for the returns and the exemption application. What do you have to lose?

Email him see if he replies with the returns or will he ignore you and pretend he did not get it?
Mail him see if he replies with the returns or will ignore you and pretend he did not get it?
Send mail Certified to the PO Box see if he replies with the documents or will he ignore you and pretend he did not get it?

Get back with me.

We are trained that people accused of infractions enter three phases, 1. pretend, 2. denial, and 3. ut-oh

He is "pretend" mode and then the next phase will be "denial" phase and then the UT-OH which is where they say, "I had no idea that's what the law said."

You know as well as I do that the penalty for each request adds up DAILY.
Anonymous said…
Hey Rich, Boy, I never thought I would see or rather read you here.

I just read your very interesting comments. From what you write, it appears you think you are talking to one person.

For clarity, I wrote the comments at 9:16PM and 8:21AM. I have no idea who wrote the other comments and whether or not they are one or more than one individual. I have a hunch from reading them; there are at least two additional people.

I look forward to seeing Mark on Thursday. I have not yet submitted anything to the IRS although I have tried to contact him at his address of record which is when I learned he has not been there for a LONG time. The other poster seems to have much more information than I had learned. Now I know.

Even though I have made several attempts to ask him for the required documents, I wanted to be certain he heard MY request before I made any next move. That is why I look forward to asking him on Thursday night.

Wouldn't you agree it is best to make sure he hears the question before making any moves to the IRS?

That is what Thursday will do. He will be there, it is a q/a forum and I shall ask in public for all to hear, as it should be. Certainly you know by now that there are many, many people who want to make sure Mark Nickolas is nothing like the people HE writes about when he uses those derogatory words.

Let me know if you take the "challenge" above. If he posts online there will be no need for me to show up on Thursday. Good to see you are reading other blogs than his Rich. I was really sorry to hear that he left you guys hanging out at the KDP. WOW, he is a piece of work; call a "charge" with no intention of showing up for your troops. WOW!
Rena Bernard said…
Anon 4:14pm -- any chance you can at least give yourself a pseudonym to help separate all these "anonymous" commenters? My head is spinning with the lack of identity in this "room!" ;-)

I do firmly believe everything I wrote in my earlier comment. It's nice to see that those on the Left and those of us on the Right do have some things in common, isn't it?

I'm sure we differ on our views when it comes to taxes; however, since I pay mine as expected by Uncle Sam, I do not take lightly those who dodge their tax responsibilities. As you so aptly pointed out in your comments, it's even more insulting when a Democrat dodges his taxes because the Left feels so strongly about the need to support lesser fortunate members of our society through them.

As I've said before, I will not moderate/censor the comments on my blog. So, forewarned, everyone.
Anonymous said…
Dawn, Your style is truly enjoyable. Thank you for noting how insulting it is if a purported Democrat dodges or skirts or hides money from the IRS.

As you, and all blue and red know, taxes ARE a part of the democratic agenda, and NO I do not like paying them; however, I would not take away any social programs or deprive the military so that I could pay less. That is not to say I would not like to pay less. But I, and my party, are in agreement on social programs and the military that is the "price I must pay." This is one area where the red and blue part so much that it doesn't even look purple.

As you say, it is deeply insulting when another democrat, especially a democrat that calls every republican he hears of, without knowing anything about, a financially corrupt person. This guy should put his money where his mouth is.

Now the election cylce is over and the spot light is on him. I support taxes Mr. Democrat Nickolas, where are the documents.

It looks like one of the anony. posters will ask you on Saturday. I will relish the viewing of the documents.
Anonymous said…
WOW!!!! Now that is some NEWS about that BLOGGER!!!! WOW!!!!

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