Ralph Peters has an op-ed piece in the New York Post that says it all for me: "Cowards give up on GIs & Give in to Evil." If you are as livid about this non-binding resolution that pulls the rug out from under our efforts in Iraq and stabs our patriots right in the back, do yourself a favor and read Ralph's piece. He vents for all of us who are pro-victory."PROVIDING aid and comfort to the enemy in wartime is treason. It's not 'just politics.' It's treason.
And signaling our enemies that Congress wants them to win isn't 'supporting our troops.' " ...
I am absolutely livid over the way that congress has chosen to stab our troops in the back while they are risking their lives for the security of our country. It is absolutely treasonous! It's time it was called by its proper name.
Mr. Peters has put it as bluntly as many of us would like to have heard it put on the floor of the House by those of our representatives who remain to victory. Thank you and well said, Ralph!
He's just spreading the blame around for what he sees as an already lost cause in Iraq. He used to blame Arabs, now he's expanded his blame circle to include "traitorous" Dems?
It's not treason, Ralph. It really is "just politics." Politics worthy of opposition? Certainly! But the "T" word here just isn't warranted.
Like everyone following the war in Iraq from a pro-victory stance, my enthusiasm for OIF has waxed and waned with news of our successes/failures. Currently, my enthusiasm is on the uptick, but Peters' blame-fest has absolutely nothing to do with it. I'm excited by the early success of the "surge." I'm excited by lots of things happening in Iraq right now.
Much like the Dems he rails against, Peters is "invested in defeat" (to quote Rush's old phrase) just as much as they are. He's not exactly pro-victory, he's more pro-vindication. Like them, he's convinced we're gonna lose, but not through any fault of his own.
He's wrong on this one. It IS possible to oppose the Murtha/Pelosi crowd WITHOUT wishing for defeat.
If my own pessimism for the future of Iraq were proved completely wrong, I'd dance a frickin' jig in the streets of La Grange and make a complete fool of myself! But I get the feeling that Ralph worries more about the damage that success in Iraq would to his career as a pundit. Because if his skills of "military prognostication" are ever doubted, he's out of a job!
/my 2cents
Whether Peters is pro-blame or not -- which, for the record, I despise too -- he has finally said something that I felt needed to be said. Obviously, I need to look back at his previous writings for a better picture of the man himself but I can't help but applaud the guts behind calling out the senators who are invested in our defeat.
My personal opinion is that we let Fonda and Kerry get away with treason during the Vietnam War. And now, they're at it again without any repercussions. Where is their honor? Where is their patriotism?
I think the "T" word is not used enough with regard to some of the actions that clearly support the enemy. Will this country EVER take the threat inherent in treason seriously again?! Maybe I'm just Right of Fascist... ;o)
And I'll look for you at the rally on Friday. Any word yet on the time?
Right now, we're at a loss for what time the President will make his appearance. It probably won't be released early enough for organizational purposes. So, I'm planning to be at the valet parking area of the Seelbach at 5:30pm on Friday (3/2) to meet up with any of my contacts who choose to join the rally.
I hope to hear more specifics from Mark Lewis (the organizer) shortly and will keep you posted. Sure hope to see you there!!