I'm about 34 minutes past the official day but I wanted to be sure to remember President Reagan's birthday. On February 6, 2007, as he would likely put it, he would have been celebrating the fifty-seventh anniversary of his thirty-ninth birthday.
Ronald Reagan will always hold a special place in my heart. He was the first vote I cast for a president when I was finally old enough to vote. He was everything I thought a president should be: humble, well-spoken, intelligent, thoughtful, well-rounded, transparent, earnest, and entertaining. He represented the common man who had found his place with destiny. He said so eloquently the things that most of us said less eloquently. He gave voice and action to our deepest desires as Americans: our need to be proud of our heritage, our country, and our liberty; and, our yearning to see every human being on the planet free to express himself, proud of his heritage, his country, and his liberty.
I cried off and on during the week of his funeral. I miss him and wonder if there will ever be another like him in our history. America was truly the shining city on a hill when he was in the White House. Remember that old Simon & Garfunkle song, "Mrs. Robinson?" Well, if I could rewrite it, the line would be, "Where have you gone Ronald Reagan? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you." He will live forever in my heart and in my political sensibilities.
So, on this day, I celebrate his 96th year. God bless and keep you, President Reagan.