"At twenty-three, I was a devout believer in radical Islam. I worked for a Saudi-funded charity in Ashland, Oregon, that was accuseed of funding al-Qaeda. Funny thing, I was born Jewish. At the time, it all seemed pretty normal."Friend and supporter of ConservaChick, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, has written a memoir that is a must read for anyone who would like a glimpse inside the world and workings of radical Islam. Daveed is a counter-terrorism expert; his articles about terrorism and religious extremism have appeared in numerous publications including The Counter-terrorism Blog, The Weekly Standard, Wall Street Journal Europe, Washington Times, and the Dallas Morning News.
The book, "My Year Inside Radical Islam: A Memoir" was released today and yours truly has her copy in hand now. Look for a book review and an interview with Daveed coming in the next few weeks. In the meantime, enjoy his interview on Hannity and Colmes last night. Compelling.
I think those of us who seek a structured religious truth by which to lead our lives sometimes find pretty outrageous lies that look like the truth... God help those who don't realize it until it's too late!