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The Orwellian Left

You have to love the hypocrisy of the Left (the RADICAL Left). No, really. You just have to love it otherwise you'd want to wring the necks of these idiots.

If you don't believe me, just stand across the street from "peace" protesters with signs expressing the opposite point of view and suddenly these "peaceniks" will shout "F**k you!" or flip you off or become something other than peaceful toward their fellow Americans; put up a sign or two promoting ideas with which they disagree and watch as they steal or deface them; pull up to a Phish concert in a big Ford truck and listen to them tsk-tsk you as they finish reading the rave reviews on Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" which fails to tell the inconvenient truth of Albert's own lack of environmental ethics; and finally watch them shout about their right to free speech -- after all, it's the right of every human being!... unless, of course, that human being has a differing opinion. Man, it sure sounds a lot like the old propaganda double-speak and double-standards of Communism, doesn't it?

Well, in yet another effort to express their own twisted, Orwellian form of free speech, Leftwing hackers have attempted to squelch the free speech of The Gathering of Eagles.

That's okay. We'll see you cowardly Leftwing thugs on the ground in DC this Saturday. You can cover your faces with black bandanas and ski masks all you like but we know who you are. You will not dishonor the memory of this country's bravest by your actions on Saturday. Free speech is the right of every American thanks to brave men and women who fought for that freedom and those who protect our freedoms today -- You will not squelch our free speech on Saturday!


Anonymous said…
"the inconvenient truth of Albert's own lack of environmental ethics"

Can you tell us what you're talking about here?
Rena Bernard said…
By "lack of environmental ethics," I mean that while Al Gore leads the stampede toward restricting energy usage by his fellow Americans, he racks up an electric and gas bill at his Nashville mansion that is twice the cost of a "regular guy's" electric/gas bill for a year or more! It's hypocrisy and it's unethical to do the very thing you tell others not to do.

Gore and his folks will tell you that he is "carbon neutral" which means he buys "carbon offsets" from a company that sells credits that you can use to pay for your overuse of energy when another company underuses their quota. It's a bunch of nonsense. Guess who is on the board of the company from which Gore purchases these "offsets?" Yep. Gore himself!

There are those who say that the use of carbon offsets does nothing to change the damage that is allegedly being done by man via our carbon emissions. (Even though I certainly do not believe that our emissions are bringing about this slight climate change.)

If you want to know more about Gore's unethical behavior, check out this story:,2933,257958,00.html

Also, you might want to see what you can find online about Generation Investment Management (the company that is "selling" Gore his offsets).

Global warming and "carbon neutrality" are shaping up to be a scam of major proportions, if you ask me.
Rena Bernard said…
I meant to provide you with a link to the original source of the source about Al Gore's energy usage in my previous comment. Here it is:
Anonymous said…
Read facts here:

"So, where is the disjunct between what he says and what he does? Unless you put words in his mouth, there isn't one. You might argue that it would be better for the environment if people like Gore lived in smaller houses and modified their lifestyles instead of shelling out bucks for carbon offsets -- and you might even be right -- but that's a policy disagreement, not proof that he's a hypocrite. Folks who dislike his politics will no doubt call him hypocritical just the same, but judged strictly in terms of whether or not Al Gore practices what he preaches, the case against him is a sham."
Rena Bernard said…
Well Anon 12:45pm, did YOU read the information at the link you posted to "urban legends?"

If you had read it, you would have seen that the information is TRUE. The fellow who analyzes the content of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research's claim says that it is "true, with spin." He then goes on to give you the facts and figures uncovered by the Associated Press: "Based on the above [AP figures], Al Gore consumed roughly 18 times the national household average in KWh of electricity last year..."

Just a bit of advice, Anon: You really ought to read the information before you post a link to something that proves the opposite of your opinion.

Where is the disjunct? Well it's in the fact that he crusades by telling others to limit their energy usage (ride public transit, etc.) while using more energy than the average American household! That's hypocrisy. The only reason he doesn't come right out and suggest buying carbon offsets from his company is that it will prove (straight from the horse's mouth) that Gore is nothing more than a snake-oil salesman.

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