I try not to do this often but I thought I'd make a little personal announcement this evening. After October 4th of this year, your old friend ConservaChick will become "Mrs. ConservaDude." Yep, that's right... I'm engaged to be married!
I've referred to my fiance as "ConservaDude" a number of times in stories about counterprotesting the militant Leftists here in town and in Washington, D.C. back when he was my boyfriend. On March 1st, after bravely facing down the independent female who had sworn off marriage forever, he became my fiance. I suppose only Conservative men understand that we fiercely independent females still yearn for a joyous life of partnership, of caring and sharing. We just prefer to do so with our intellectual and spiritual equals, that's all.
We've discussed it and, since "Mrs. ConservaDude" sounds all wrong in the context of this blog, I'm going to keep my maiden name of ConservaChick. After all, we don't have to be so formal around here, do we?
Wow! congrats!
John Whitehead
Altho I must confess...that's one I didn't see coming.
May you both have a great life together.