While the mainstream media has been busy with its Obamapalooza the past six months, it's easy to let the fact that our troops and those from our allies are still fighting a war against Islamofascists on two fronts. Yeah, the economy sucks... Yeah, Obama is the Great Orator/Apologizer/Protector... Whatever. As we near Independence Day, it's a great time to stop the Emperor's Parade to remember those who are fighting on our behalf in the extremes of Middle East terrain and temperatures. Fortunately for we lazy Americans, it doesn't take much time or effort to show our support thanks to Move America Forward and their "Honor Their Service" program. The second annual Troopathon will begin on June 25th. Last year they raised $1.5 million in one evening in their first webcast telethon. That money paid for items like coffee, cookies, beef jerky, Gatorade, candy, hot chocolate, jelly beans and personal comfort items like lip balm, wet wipes, and personal sized fans...