Someone please tell me this is a joke. If it's not, we're seeing the first glimpses of "liberty" under the Obama regime. This *is* truly heartbreaking.
This is from an email I just received from Tea Party Patriots -- click the links and watch the video of this incident. It's un-frigging-believable!
This is from an email I just received from Tea Party Patriots -- click the links and watch the video of this incident. It's un-frigging-believable!
Yesterday, Wednesday afternoon, April 28, as Tea Party Patriots held a protest outside of an event where President Obama was speaking, the Secret Service called in SWAT teams to handle the protesters because they would not move and were singing patriotic songs.
Look at the video at these sites:
Doesn't that First Woman Look Dangerous
Fox Nation Report on the incident
Video on the Dana Report, Local Coordinator in St. Louis
Report on HotAir
Now compare the above videos with this video of phone messages and emails left to our friends at FreedomWorks. (These phone messages and emails left at FreedomWorks who light of recent accusations, took the opportunity to set the record straight. DISCLAIMER: Full of harsh language and violent rhetoric. Emails and voicemails are only edited to remove names and phone numbers.)
Who is inciting violence? Who are the Patriots who love their country and want to reclaim our founding principles? Goto and leave your comments about what you think.