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Tea Party of Kentucky -- Upcoming Events

Kentucky Calendar from

July 1st 2010: 4:30PM (Speakers beginning at 5:30) Bullitt County Courthouse, Shepherdsville, KY. Join us for a Tea Party in Bullitt County. Informative speakers as well as just plain fun! Featuring: Sheri Quinn - Campaign for Liberty. Eric Wilson KY 9-12. John Riley - Take Back Kentucky. Mandy Connell as MC. Musical Guests: Traci Barger, Micheal Goodman and Friends. Special Guest: Dr. Rand Paul

*****Kentucky Freedom Festival!***** Statewide celebration of America, save the date! July 10th TEA Party - Time 5pm-8pm at the state capitol in Frankfort, KY.


$15 per person round trip includes beverage and snack.

3pm Leave from Evangel Church, 6900 Billtown Rd, Louisville, KY 40299

Exit 19 off of the Gene Snyder Freeway, head south ½ block to the church.

We have permission to leave our cars there.

4pm Arrive at Frankfort. Find your best spot near the action. Browse the booths.

5pm – 8pm KY Freedom Festival 2010

9pm Arrive back in Louisville

For reservations call (502) 893-2444 or click below:


National Patriot Pastors' T.E.A. Party Truth Exalts America on July 7th, 2010 in San Antonio Texas. Please go to for more information.

912 March on DC: TaxPayer March on Washington 2010 from 10am - 5pm

Saturday, August 28: Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally 10am - 1 pm

ELECTION DAY, Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Anonymous said…

I used to have tremendous respect for you - even though I rarely agree with you. However, your post here encouraging march with the likes of Glenn Beck is -- well -- let's just say no respectful person would ever want to be associated with the Unpatriotic, Anti-American liar, Glenn Beck.
Rena Bernard said…
I cannot imagine why, Anonymous, you would have tremendous respect for me. That's an interesting attempt at rapport-building. You don't know me.

As for Glenn Beck, it's so tiresome. The personal attacks are ridiculous. What is "unpatriotic" and "anti-American" about questioning the status quo? What are you afraid of, Anon?

I'll march with anyone who's interested in returning the United States to its roots of individual liberty. If Jesse Jackson were leading a million American march for liberty, I'd be there too.

Your opinion of Glenn Beck or anyone else is of no interest to me, Anonymous. If you can't even post a comment and "own it" with a name, I'm pretty sure you don't stand up for much of anything, much less liberty.
Anonymous said…

Yes, I do know you and I did have tremendous respect for you.

Glenn Beck is not merely questioning the status quo. Glenn Beck spreads lies AGAINST this country and AGAINST this countries ELECTED leaders. What is so patriotic about that? Beck's lies are geared to falsely put people in fear of their country when they need not be - What is so patriotic about that?

Through his blatant lies about this country & it's ELECTED leaders Beck is trying to stir uninformed people up to cause a physical rebellion against this countries ELECTED leaders - What is so patriotic about that?

As for marching to return the USA back to "it's roots of individual liberty" ... tell me Dawn - specifically what "individual liberties" have you lost since January 20, 2009?

You talk about being "afraid" - seems to me that YOU are the one who is "afraid" afraid of NOTHING REAL. Your fear is based solely on false propaganda put out by the likes of Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck fearmongers - you believe his lies - you have lost NO individual freedoms - yet you march in fear of losing something you have not lost. hmm..... Dawn ... hmmm.

Here's a list of some of Beck's fearmongering, anti-American, Unpatriotic LIES.
1. Just yesterday Beck LIED and said
"What is in this new financial bill, they can grab companies. They think that it is a danger to the nation. Any company"
.... Dawn see that word 'danger' ... ooooowwww watch out.
Never mind it is a complete LIE.

2. Beck has spread UNPATRIOTIC lies that "communists" are infiltrating our government and praises the disgraced Sen. Joe McCarthy.

BECK: "We were warned that the communists were not going to go away. They were just getting started. Ezra Taft Benson knew that serious threat. He saw it first hand. He knew communists were in the government. He knew they were in the government."

... Dawn do YOU know "who" Ezra Taft Benson is? Ezra is the paranoid dude who called the civil rights movement "a communist program for revolution in America."[Associated Press, 5/31/1994]

Benson also authored a pamphlet titled "Civil Rights -- Tool of Communist Deception" and he also referred to Martin Luther King Jr. as the "Communist leader of the so-called civil rights movement."

Dawn ... This is the guy Beck quotes about civil rights, a man who thinks everyone is a communist, including Martin Luther King Jr.

yeah ...loves to spread words of paranoia ... communist ... fear ... danger ... oooooowwwwww take back our individual freedoms THAT WE HAVE NOT LOST!

3. June 23, 2010
BECK: "We are being indoctrinated by our government. You're darn right we should abolish public schools."

Gee Dawn ... looks like Beck followers are being "indoctrinated" by Beck's lies and fearmongering.

4. On the June 18th edition of his radio show, Beck criticized the Congressional hearings on oil spill by stating that "we've got Salem Witch Trials going on in Washington, DC." Beck criticized the lawmakers who questioned Hayward, calling them "thugs and bullies."

5. In a recent interview with USA Today, Glenn Beck was asked to define what he does. "I'm a little of everything," replied Beck, saying that included being a concerned dad, a faith-based guy, a businessman, an entertainer and, after a long pause, a journalist. "I don't have formal training as a journalist, but I think that works to my advantage," said Beck.

See Dawn .... Beck is an "entertainer" whose primary goal is to make money. Even if it means spreading LIES about this country & this countries ELECTED leaders. What is so patriotic about that?
Anonymous said…
Beck's grasp on how the world works is quite unrealistic and maybe even a little insane. He simply doesn't understand things, and reaches out for theories, no matter how harebrained they might be. When he latches on to something, it becomes his guiding principle until he becomes distracted by a new ludicrous theory - a theory geared to spread fear about this country & it's ELECTED leaders. What is so patriotic about that?

Beck accuses the Democratic party and Elected Leaders of being comprised of people who either support the abolition of government or are in favor of complete government control. That assertion isn't borne out of anything the party has actually done, however. It's clear that Democrats, for instance, favor more regulation than Republicans do, but it's a big leap from increased oversight of offshore drilling (for instance) to anarchism or Marxism. What is so patriotic about that?

You, Dawn, wrote, "As for Glenn Beck, it's so tiresome. The personal attacks are ridiculous." Ya know what, Beck's FALSE personal attacks on the democrats and FALSE attacks on ELECTED leaders is ridiculous.

I could go on & on with Beck Lie examples ... Note, the lies I found for you, here, are just one weeks worth of Beck's lies ....

Dawn, while you are marching to bring the USA back to "it's roots of individual liberty" - Even though YOU have lost NO individual freedoms and are not even close to losing any - just be careful of who you wish to march with & what you wish for, it just might come true.

PS. Don't forget to list those "individual freedoms" YOU THINK you have lost since 1/20/2009.
Rena Bernard said…
Well, contrary to your idea of what it means to "know" someone, I'd say you really do NOT know me. Maybe we've met but, if you really knew me, you'd understand what I stand for and against. You'd also know that I'm not in the business of defending celebrities.

Beck airs what he thinks is important and some of it is very educational. However, he is indeed -- nice research there, Anon -- an entertainer. I've never mistaken him for anything other than that. Apparently you thought he was a reporter though? I'm sorry you mistook him for something he's not but I'm glad you got that misapprehension resolved.

Unlike you, Anon, I don't have a lot of free time and won't be bothering with your little assignment. If you need to better understand the individual liberties that YOU as an American are losing, check out the legislation that has been proposed and passed in Congress over the past decade. You can do this online at

While a lot happened under Bush 43, Obama and the Liberal Congress have made a MAJOR contribution to the erosion of our liberties in just 2+ years. They apparently are hoping to change the course of this country quickly before they're sent packing.

Understand that the financial burden this country faces is a form of indentured servitude that extends well beyond my lifespan. That is a horrible loss of liberty for every generation of Americans to come.

As long as the Federal government continues to grow at this pace, spend at this pace, and further the reach of its agencies into our lives, they are limiting our liberties. If you don't see that, you're asleep. It would behoove you to wake up and smell the fascism.

Spare me your bleating rants against people who disturb your worldview. Be a good little Liberal and go back to your Collective groupthink echo chamber. It's not my job to educate you. If you can look up sections of tax code and quotes from Glenn Beck, you can look up pending and passed legislation on

PS: If you were actually in my circle of friends, you'd have the balls to own your commentary online.
Anonymous said…

HAHAHAHAHA ... Interesting that I ask you to specifically tell me exactly what "individual freedoms" you have lost since 1/20/2009 & you cannot list one ... rather you tell me you don't have "time" ... rather you tell me to look at for legislation over the last DECADE (which, the last DECADE, means - according to you - lost our "individual freedoms" under President Bush... did you protest the loss of your freedoms under Bush?)

Dawn, your answer is short hand for: I don't know any individual freedoms I lost since 1/20/2009 - but I lost plenty of individual freedoms under the last decade but I am not going to list those freedoms I lost because those freedoms were lost under a Republican President ... soooo ... I am going to pin those lost individual freedoms under this new Democratic Administration and give the illusion that this Administration lost me my individual freedoms.

Nice try on spinning reality there Dawn.

Funny you falsely accuse ME of thinking Beck was a reporter because I highlight one week's worth of his lies.

See Dawn, there are all types of entertainers. Comedians - who give half-truths to gain a laugh, Commentators - who are to give fact-based opinion.

Beck does not give fact-based opinion which simply makes him a man who makes money off of LYING and ALL of my posts regarding Beck say that. He lies about this country and this country's ELECTED leaders and you are willing to march with him against this Administration to fight for freedoms you lost under the LAST Administration.

Um ... where were you & Beck when:
1. the last Administration was spying on & wiretapping innocent Americans

2. the last Administration could arrest Americans indefinitely without a trial just by "saying" they were a terrorist.

3. the last Administration allowed the feds to search and seize Americans' papers and effects without probable cause just by "saying" they were a terrorist.

Come on Dawn ... can't you at least list ONE SINGLE individual freedom you have lost since 1/20/2009 that YOU are so willing to march with Beck over?
Anonymous said…

"Obama and the Liberal Congress have made a MAJOR contribution to the erosion of our liberties in just 2+ years. "

List ONE "major" "erosion of liberties" that Obama and the "Liberal" Congress have put upon you or me? Just ONE Dawn, come on.

YOU: "They apparently are hoping to change the course of this country quickly before they're sent packing."

ME: Yet you can NOT list one single liberty you have lost under them ... hmmm....

YOU: "the financial burden this country faces is a form of indentured servitude that extends well beyond my lifespan. That is a horrible loss of liberty for every generation of Americans to come."

ME: Yes, the financial burden is staggering ... but seriously ... you do realize that the staggering financial burden started before Obama and the Liberal Congress was the majority?

In fact, the staggering financial burden began - yes Dawn - in 2001 with the UNPAID tax cuts for all.

Remember, Bush had a SURPLUS and quickly turned it into a DEFICIT.

Important to historical note: No government in the history of the United States, or the world for that matter, has cut taxes while at war. (let alone 2 wars)

The staggering financial burden continued via:
2001 Tax Cuts - NOT PAID FOR
2001 Airline Bailout -NOT PAID FOR
2001 Afghan war - NOT PAID FOR
2003 Iraq war - NOT PAID FOR
-- um ... where were YOUR protests over those UNPAID spending?

Dawn, you should know, the budget for a government is MACRO ... my budget is MICRO ... in MACRO economics there is a phrase, "you must spend money to make money."

I am all for RESPONSIBLE spending cuts and RESPONSIBLE spending ... I am also for ENDING CORPORATE WELFARE which takes out more Revenue than any social program.

To say, or insinuate that MACRO economics means to NOT spend $$ to make $$ is foolish.

Dawn, where were your cries for lost freedoms when Bush was spending?
Anonymous said…
YOU: As long as the Federal government continues to grow at this pace, spend at this pace, and further the reach of its agencies into our lives, they are limiting our liberties. If you don't see that, you're asleep. It would behoove you to wake up and smell the fascism.

1. Bush grew the size of government more than ANY President in the history of this country.

2. Total government spending grew by 33% during Bush’s first term.

3. Federal budget as a share of the economy grew from 18.5% of GDP on Clinton’s last day in office to 20.3% by the end of Bush’s first term.

5. Under Bush First Term the GOP Congress passed budgets that spent a total of $91 billion more than the president requested for domestic programs.

6. Not a single cabinet-level agency was be smaller or eliminated than when Bush assumed office.

7. New govt agencies were CREATED by Bush.

8. The Bush administration strong-armed Congress into passing the first new entitlement program in 40 years, an unfunded Medicare prescription drug benefit that could add as much as $11.2 trillion to the program's unfunded liabilities.

9. Pork- barrel spending and earmarks all increased under Bush.

10. By almost every measure, government grew bigger, more expensive and more intrusive under President Bush and the Republican Congress.

To suggest that in electing Barack Obama and a Democratic congressional majority, voters were choosing big government and liberalism over small government and conservatism would imply that either the Bush administration, the current Republican congressional leadership, or, for that matter, John McCain, actually supported smaller government.

Before Bush's Wall Street bailout, President Bush spent money in a way that would make any liberal proud - and not ONE SINGLE GOP complained - including YOU, Dawn.

Dawn, were YOU SLEEPING when Bush & the GOP controlled Congress increased spending, increased government? Where were YOUR MARCHES for protecting YOUR individual freedoms then?
Rena Bernard said…
I think *someone* needs a little therapy... Bush is gone. Stop the H8, Anonymous. Really, it's a burden to carry all that hate day in and day out. Don't be such a hater.

I'm well aware of what happened under Bush. No one was more disappointed than true Conservatives in the horror that turned out to be "compassionate conservatism" -- code words for "Liberal in Conservative's clothing." We had hoped for true Conservatism and not more big-government statism from the GOP.

Again, if you actually knew me, you would know where I was and that I was NOT sleeping when other administrations began eroding our financial stability and our individual liberties to grow Federal power in unconstitutional ways.

While you're busy looking backward and blaming Bush for everything, attempting to prove yourself smarter than everyone else, the rest of us have moved on. (See ya; wouldn't want to be ya!)

Here's what you TOTALLY fail to understand: Regardless of when it started and who was to blame in the past, ALL of the unconstitutional big government policies are coming to a very scary head. It's time to stop this free fall into fascism. That's what's happening now in the Tea Party movement.

Many of us got VERY frustrated with the Liberal-lite candidates on the GOP size of the ticket. We couldn't vote for them because we KNOW what they are. When that frustration culminated in the election of Liberal-heavy Obama who was cleverly disguised as "Moderate," we tried to be patient and give him a chance.

When Obama came out swinging so hard to the Left, with stated mandates that were clearly outside the scope of the power enumerated to the Federal government, we saw the writing on the wall: It was time to take it to the streets and throw off the "silent" in "silent majority."

It's apparent that you don't get it. People like you probably never will. I'm not blogging to educate you or anyone like you -- my blog is about Conservatives FOR Conservatives. Your opinion is of no consequence to me, just in case that is yet another misapprehension of yours.

Ironically, I suppose we Tea Partiers should be saying Obama-like things such as: "We are simply mopping up the mess we were handed." Or, "We are the ones we have been waiting for." Or, "It could have been MUCH worse if we hadn't started marching when we did."

Ha! That makes me giggle. The very thought of anyone like me in a Tea Party crowd uttering such silliness. Maybe we should... some random Obama voters might hear it and actually understand what we're talking about. I doubt any of us will be able to bring ourselves to do that though.

Now, shuffle on off to the Huffington Post or the Daily Kos or the Dem Underground or some other Liberal echo chamber like a good little troll. I'm done responding to your silliness.
Anonymous said…

YOU:"ALL of the unconstitutional big government policies are coming to a very scary head."

Name them. Name the "unconstitutional" policies "coming to a very scary head"

"When Obama came out swinging so hard to the Left, with stated mandates that were clearly outside the scope of the power enumerated to the Federal government,"

List them. List what mandates Obama signed into law that are "clearly" outside the scope of the Constitutional powers of the federal government.

Yes, as silly as you claim those quotes of Obama are, they are also TRUE.

It is true, we MUST mop up the mess Bush left us.

It is true, we ARE the one's we've been waiting for. And I'm surprised you teaparty people are NOT saying that. (You must not understand it's meaning?)

It is also true, that if the economy had been left up to more Bush Corporate Welfare policies - we would be in worse shape.

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