Pajamas Media » BREAKING: Sen. Leahy (D-VT) Denies Senate Judiciary Request to Investigate New Black Panther Case
There is nothing more precious to Americans as our right to vote and the belief that our voting rights are sacred and protected. The dismissal of charges against people who commit voter intimidation -- BLATANTLY and with video evidence of it -- simply because they are black ("minority") is about as UNAmerican as it gets. Martin Luther King, Jr. himself must be rolling in his grave. Despite the DOJ’s failure to present any credible justification for withholding relevant documents and subpoenaed witnesses, the Commission offered Holder a compromise on July 28. Without waiving its demand for information about the NBPP dismissal, the Commission offered to limit its initial questioning of Christopher Coates if Justice would produce him as a witness. The Commission offered to temporarily forgo questions about the NBBP case deliberations and instead ask about the DOJ policies that J. Christian Adams testified about: the directive from Julie Fernandes, the deputy assistant attorney ...