I thought you all might find this of interest. I'm not sure what happens here in Kentucky but, if California and Minnesota are doing it, other states can't be far behind.
CCHC's "Protect Baby DNA" Campaign Makes TV News in California
Link to CBS-5 news video out of San Francisco - listen to what parents say! (more screenshots below)
CCHC President speaks on CBS-5 News (San Francisco)
California has the DNA of 15 million babies - all taken without parent knowledge or consent. Records show that the Mayo Clinic has requested access to it.
Hot Off the Press: CCHC's new baby DNA cards: "Having a Baby? Protect Your Newborn's DNA." Pick up yours at our upcoming event (Thursday, November 11 - Mpls Hilton, 7:30 p.m., $25). Distribute them to your friends, pregnant women and young mothers.
Just ONE WEEK LEFT to get the REDUCED RATE for CCHC's upcoming event: "An Evening with MARK STEYN to Support Health Freedom - November 11 - 7:30 p.m. - Hilton Minneapolis - $25.00"
Register TODAY!
Event Flyer
Mayo Clinic has requested access to Calif. baby DNA.
Mayo' documents opposing parent consent
CCHC baby DNA web page on CBS-5 news
Link to CBS-5 news video out of San Francisco - listen to what parents say! (more screenshots below)
CCHC President speaks on CBS-5 News (San Francisco)
California has the DNA of 15 million babies - all taken without parent knowledge or consent. Records show that the Mayo Clinic has requested access to it.
Hot Off the Press: CCHC's new baby DNA cards: "Having a Baby? Protect Your Newborn's DNA." Pick up yours at our upcoming event (Thursday, November 11 - Mpls Hilton, 7:30 p.m., $25). Distribute them to your friends, pregnant women and young mothers.
Just ONE WEEK LEFT to get the REDUCED RATE for CCHC's upcoming event: "An Evening with MARK STEYN to Support Health Freedom - November 11 - 7:30 p.m. - Hilton Minneapolis - $25.00"
Register TODAY!
Event Flyer
Mayo Clinic has requested access to Calif. baby DNA.
Mayo' documents opposing parent consent
CCHC baby DNA web page on CBS-5 news