I'm sure that the pilgrims would be quite surprised that their little dinner with the natives is now honored every year by Americans who have never worn a hat with a big buckle on it or who get their information not from a bible but from curious mechanical devices that glow in the dark. While controversies and animosities can be unleashed around this time of the year where "politically correct" is concerned, I still find this one of my favorite holidays of the year.
I haven't had to buy a turkey -- or "tofurky," if you happen to be a vegetarian -- in the past four years. Being the 41-year-old divorcee with no kids means I get invited elsewhere and rarely have to do more than bring a nice bottle of wine and help clear the dishes after the meal. Good deal, eh?
Every year on Thanksgiving I try to find some quiet time to contemplate all the things in my life for which I am thankful. Since I'm now, more or less, a member of the big community of bloggers, I thought I'd share this with whoever stops by and cares to read it.
Politically speaking, I'm thankful for:
1. the re-election of Bush, Northup, and Bunning;
2. the GOP sweep on Election Day and spending the evening with friends celebrating;
3. the Swift Boat Vets and POWs for the Truth telling the truth;
4. the death of the terrorist Arafat;
5. the announced retirement of Dan "you can't handle the truth" Rather;
6. the launch of a Louisville chapter of Protest Warrior;
7. finding the Blog world and its wonderful writers;
8. meeting Hugh Hewitt;
9. getting more bumper stickers for my car;
10. and, the new Cardinal Coalition adventure.
Personally speaking, I'm thankful for:
1. A loving immediate family -- You can't choose your family but, if I could, I would have chosen them.
2. A wonderful bunch of extended family -- all such very special people.
3. Fun friends -- flocking together has been great so far.
4. Good health -- the oxygen tank I might have had to lug around later in life has got to weigh less than the 15 pounds I put on in fat from quitting smoking but, really, no complaints.
5. Career with a great company -- couldn't ask for more on this front.
6. New found forgivenesses -- IMHO, forgiving and being forgiven are among life's least practiced humilities.
7. Brave countrymen/women -- it is a special spirit that drives the brave men and women who put everything on the line to keep the rest of us from witnessing first-hand the horrors of what must be done to keep us free. Thank you.
8. Endless optimism -- onward and upward.
9. Curiousity and technology -- where information is at your fingertips and a huge community of people, likely miles and miles apart, can share opinions and insights without having to travel.
10. and, New found beginnings -- the future is so very promising.
Care to share yours?... Happy Thanksgiving!!
I haven't had to buy a turkey -- or "tofurky," if you happen to be a vegetarian -- in the past four years. Being the 41-year-old divorcee with no kids means I get invited elsewhere and rarely have to do more than bring a nice bottle of wine and help clear the dishes after the meal. Good deal, eh?
Every year on Thanksgiving I try to find some quiet time to contemplate all the things in my life for which I am thankful. Since I'm now, more or less, a member of the big community of bloggers, I thought I'd share this with whoever stops by and cares to read it.
Politically speaking, I'm thankful for:
1. the re-election of Bush, Northup, and Bunning;
2. the GOP sweep on Election Day and spending the evening with friends celebrating;
3. the Swift Boat Vets and POWs for the Truth telling the truth;
4. the death of the terrorist Arafat;
5. the announced retirement of Dan "you can't handle the truth" Rather;
6. the launch of a Louisville chapter of Protest Warrior;
7. finding the Blog world and its wonderful writers;
8. meeting Hugh Hewitt;
9. getting more bumper stickers for my car;
10. and, the new Cardinal Coalition adventure.
Personally speaking, I'm thankful for:
1. A loving immediate family -- You can't choose your family but, if I could, I would have chosen them.
2. A wonderful bunch of extended family -- all such very special people.
3. Fun friends -- flocking together has been great so far.
4. Good health -- the oxygen tank I might have had to lug around later in life has got to weigh less than the 15 pounds I put on in fat from quitting smoking but, really, no complaints.
5. Career with a great company -- couldn't ask for more on this front.
6. New found forgivenesses -- IMHO, forgiving and being forgiven are among life's least practiced humilities.
7. Brave countrymen/women -- it is a special spirit that drives the brave men and women who put everything on the line to keep the rest of us from witnessing first-hand the horrors of what must be done to keep us free. Thank you.
8. Endless optimism -- onward and upward.
9. Curiousity and technology -- where information is at your fingertips and a huge community of people, likely miles and miles apart, can share opinions and insights without having to travel.
10. and, New found beginnings -- the future is so very promising.
Care to share yours?... Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thanks for the kind words about my list, Hillbilly, I'm glad you stopped in to read it. Y'all come back now, ya hear? ;-)