With great predictability, the lunatic Libs in Jefferson County (Louisville) raise their ugly heads in protest yet again... I have it on good authority that we can expect a counter-inaugural protest to bash Bush and the war against Islamo-fascism on Thursday downtown. Protest Warrior has done its homework and we are ready.
Along with a number of other dedicated Conservatives, I'm taking the afternoon off from work to make sure that the Conservative voice is heard at the LPAC counter-inauguration march and rally downtown on Thursday, Jan. 20th from about 3:30pm to 6pm.
If you're interested in joining the Protest Warrior folks, some FReepers, a variety of church-going pro-Life activists and other freedom-lovers in a counter-protest to the Liberal insanity here in Jefferson County on Inauguration Day, please email me. I'll send you all the details.
As always, we will have signs you can borrow for the event. All you need is the attitude, the determination, and a camera if you want some great pictures of actual lunatic Liberal behavior on the streets of Louisville Metro! It has the potential for an amazing amount of fun...
Along with a number of other dedicated Conservatives, I'm taking the afternoon off from work to make sure that the Conservative voice is heard at the LPAC counter-inauguration march and rally downtown on Thursday, Jan. 20th from about 3:30pm to 6pm.
If you're interested in joining the Protest Warrior folks, some FReepers, a variety of church-going pro-Life activists and other freedom-lovers in a counter-protest to the Liberal insanity here in Jefferson County on Inauguration Day, please email me. I'll send you all the details.
As always, we will have signs you can borrow for the event. All you need is the attitude, the determination, and a camera if you want some great pictures of actual lunatic Liberal behavior on the streets of Louisville Metro! It has the potential for an amazing amount of fun...