I have been watching A&E's biography of Bruce Willis tonight as I worked on some homework. I was so happy to hear Bruce say, "I'm a proud Republican" during the interview. I knew there was a reason that I enjoy almost the entire body of his work! It was even more refreshing to hear it said by someone who's made a great living in Hollywood. The video clips of his show for the troops in the Middle East were great and A&E even showed some clips of him with President Bush during the campaign. Of course, that airhead Melanie Griffith had to say, "He's just about perfect except for that Republican thing." Sheesh. You tell where the brains are in Hollywood, eh?
Gee. I have found myself fascinated by the soap opera unfolding in the comments section of this blog since last night. One little mention on a controversial Democrat's blog and it's High Noon on ConservaChick! (Yes, I'm laughing while I type this.) For those of you who have no idea what's happening in the ever-expanding comments section , join the club! Here's what I know about Mark Nickolas from bits and pieces I've read on his blog, and from a local news report: Nickolas likes to sneer at Republicans and call them snide little nicknames as he provides his "Unfiltered and Candid Look at Politics, Politicians and the Media in Kentucky;" he raised a ruckus within the Democrat party here in Kentucky by filing a suit against the chairman of the party , Jerry Lundergan; and he will be appearing on the same panel with yours truly on Thursday night. That's about it. You now have the benefit of my not-so-extensive knowledge on this subject. Nickolas poste...