Announcement directly from the founders of PW:
"Well, you've probably seen our picture in the recent cover story on Ann Coulter in Time Magazine where we were presented as anti-war protesters, holding signs such as "Criminals for Gun Control" and "Liberating Iraqi Children from Tyranny - It's Costing too Much." We can only imagine the consternation in the editors room when they realized what a mistake they made, but we'd like to thank Time just the same for the publicity, we couldn't think of a better time for it.
Today we are proud to announce the premiere of the ProtestWarrior Anthology on DVD. Until now you could only watch our films at 512kb a second, but now you can experience the saga as it was meant to be seen, on the big screen with re-mastered Dolby Logic sound. Crashing the Protests, Answer Infiltrated, Eagle Strike, Wolverines and Liberty Rising and one special surprise, our new feature film Entering Zion.
Originally planned as a small bonus for the DVD, Entering Zion blossomed into a full-length movie that will take you on a pilgrimage through the land of Israel. You'll go from the clubs of Tel Aviv to the shores of the Dead Sea, from the beaches of Eilat to the border overlooking the security fence, and from the holy sites of Jerusalem to the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem. We'll also take you into the heart of the Gaza Strip, where the besieged residents of Gush Katif face the prospect of being forced to turn over their communities to Islamo-fascists in the name of "peace", in what promises to be this summer's epicenter in the global war on terror. Not just a travelogue or a political documentary but a spiritual odyssey, we think we can say we've procured the codes to Zion.
We're going to let the films do the talking, but you can check out the trailers for both the DVD Anthology and Entering Zion on our main page. And get ready, because we have some very cool things planned ...
-Kfir and Alan"
"Well, you've probably seen our picture in the recent cover story on Ann Coulter in Time Magazine where we were presented as anti-war protesters, holding signs such as "Criminals for Gun Control" and "Liberating Iraqi Children from Tyranny - It's Costing too Much." We can only imagine the consternation in the editors room when they realized what a mistake they made, but we'd like to thank Time just the same for the publicity, we couldn't think of a better time for it.
Today we are proud to announce the premiere of the ProtestWarrior Anthology on DVD. Until now you could only watch our films at 512kb a second, but now you can experience the saga as it was meant to be seen, on the big screen with re-mastered Dolby Logic sound. Crashing the Protests, Answer Infiltrated, Eagle Strike, Wolverines and Liberty Rising and one special surprise, our new feature film Entering Zion.
Originally planned as a small bonus for the DVD, Entering Zion blossomed into a full-length movie that will take you on a pilgrimage through the land of Israel. You'll go from the clubs of Tel Aviv to the shores of the Dead Sea, from the beaches of Eilat to the border overlooking the security fence, and from the holy sites of Jerusalem to the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem. We'll also take you into the heart of the Gaza Strip, where the besieged residents of Gush Katif face the prospect of being forced to turn over their communities to Islamo-fascists in the name of "peace", in what promises to be this summer's epicenter in the global war on terror. Not just a travelogue or a political documentary but a spiritual odyssey, we think we can say we've procured the codes to Zion.
We're going to let the films do the talking, but you can check out the trailers for both the DVD Anthology and Entering Zion on our main page. And get ready, because we have some very cool things planned ...
-Kfir and Alan"