What group in Louisville could possibly be peeved about "Thunder Over Louisville?" Who could possibly want to protest one of the most exciting days down on the riverfront every year? Thaaaat's right... our buddies at LPAC and their cronies! :-p
Thanks to LPAC, not a single dedicated Protest Warrior will be on the Great Lawn enjoying the Air Show on Saturday. The Lunkhead Lefties have decided to protest the use of military aircraft (oh, excuse me, that's "warplanes" in the parlance of the moonbats) in the air show. Yep, that's right. They don't want our military aircraft in the skies over the enemy while we're at war and they don't want our military aircraft entertaining the masses in the skies over Louisville either.
Are you tired of reading about the Lefties in the paper every time they whine? Me too. Come on out and join us on Saturday -- you wouldn't believe how much fun it is! I have a map and timetable to send your way if you want to participate. Email me if you want the details and please pass the word to any other Right-minded people you may know. We welcome all patriots!
Thanks to LPAC, not a single dedicated Protest Warrior will be on the Great Lawn enjoying the Air Show on Saturday. The Lunkhead Lefties have decided to protest the use of military aircraft (oh, excuse me, that's "warplanes" in the parlance of the moonbats) in the air show. Yep, that's right. They don't want our military aircraft in the skies over the enemy while we're at war and they don't want our military aircraft entertaining the masses in the skies over Louisville either.
Are you tired of reading about the Lefties in the paper every time they whine? Me too. Come on out and join us on Saturday -- you wouldn't believe how much fun it is! I have a map and timetable to send your way if you want to participate. Email me if you want the details and please pass the word to any other Right-minded people you may know. We welcome all patriots!