I have seen both sides of this political dilemma... Conservative gal dates Liberal fella and Liberal gal dates Conservative fella. From what I can tell it seems that the Conservative guys are more tolerant of Liberal gals and Liberal guys are more tolerant of Conservative women. Why is that?
I have been dating for almost five years now -- every political persuasion from political Apathetics to Liberal tree-huggers. I find that I have almost no tolerance for apathy or conspiracy-minded Libs. I have a real problem with tolerance. That's a problem because, apparently, I attract a lot of Apathetics and Libs. Don't ask me why... I live and breathe my political ideology and stay very active within it. This is becoming a problem!
Do men find it easier to tolerate someone with opposing politics? Do women generally just avoid thinking, talking about, and/or getting involved in politics? Is that what makes it easier for men? Am I doomed to date only Apathetics or Libs? Anyone have an opinion on this dilemma? Tips for tolerance? Tips for changing myself from a Lib magnet to a Conservative magnet?
Any opinion, advice, snide remarks, and/or random non-sequitirs would be greatly appreciated!
I have been dating for almost five years now -- every political persuasion from political Apathetics to Liberal tree-huggers. I find that I have almost no tolerance for apathy or conspiracy-minded Libs. I have a real problem with tolerance. That's a problem because, apparently, I attract a lot of Apathetics and Libs. Don't ask me why... I live and breathe my political ideology and stay very active within it. This is becoming a problem!
Do men find it easier to tolerate someone with opposing politics? Do women generally just avoid thinking, talking about, and/or getting involved in politics? Is that what makes it easier for men? Am I doomed to date only Apathetics or Libs? Anyone have an opinion on this dilemma? Tips for tolerance? Tips for changing myself from a Lib magnet to a Conservative magnet?
Any opinion, advice, snide remarks, and/or random non-sequitirs would be greatly appreciated!
I wasn't politically active until I got back from Iraq, and the wife has noted the change, not always favorably. There's something of an advantage in being politically agnostic, I think. It certainly simplifies matters.
Advice? Um, hang out at the library or bookstore reading P.J O'Rourke, maybe? Don't expect any interest from the staff, however. You should have seen the Laser Stare of Death I recieved from the librarian last time I checked out a book by Ann Coulter;)
Oh well, if the flipside means I can piss them off by checking out a single red-flagged book, it can still be fun.
I don't think you have a problem with tolerance. Tolerance should be a respect for the right of others to have differing ideas, not necessarily a respect for the person or idea.
My sweet wife would come across as very apolitical to most people, but she is fiercly conservative. She says she doesn't have to pay too much attention to politics because I do, and she says she is happy to vote for whomever I tell her is a good candidate. She just prefers to spend her energy in a different direction.
It's a shame there are no dependable alternative social venues for conservatives besides church groups.
Just keep looking, though. Your Ronald Reagan is out there, somewhere!! You are way too smart and way too pretty to be wasted on a Moonbat.
Very strange, for some of them, politics is like a religion, and we conservatives are heretics to be burned at the stake
El Jefe, I know what you mean about your political convictions costing you a friend. I let my convictions speak up load and clear one night while drinking with friends and proceeded to royally piss off a Lib who is dating one of the women I work with (whom I really like). Since that night, my co-worker hasn't been inclined to seek my company after hours with her guy in tow. Gee, I wonder why?
I just find myself banging my head against a wall sometimes wondering how so many otherwise nice (and relatively intelligent) people can miss the unmistakable logic inherent in Conservatism.
...Where's my "apathy" switch?