"The Great Derby Debate" hosted by the Metropolitan Republican Womens' Club. From left to right: Jim Milliman (R), John Yarmouth (D), and Bill Stone (Moderator)
For our May meeting, The Metropolitan Republican Womens' Club hosted a debate last night at Big Spring Country Club. After the meeting and dinner, we were treated to the Great Derby Debate between Jim Milliman and John Yarmouth. We were pressed to find a truly non-affiliated Moderator so we asked our friend, Bill Stone, to "act" as Moderator! ;-) It was a fun debate; however, in true Liberal fashion, Yarmouth said nothing new outside of the Dems talking points. The only thing I heard from Yarmouth that was even remotely true is that he believes the Dems need to start being "for" something instead of against everything. Nice work, John. I will give him credit for attempting a debate with a Republican at a Republican club meeting though.
We are a womens' club in name only; we always have a healthy attendance by many men who have joined as associate members. We are fortunate to have many well-known Republicans as members so the crowd at these meetings is always well-informed and interesting. The club doesn't meet again until September, but if anyone is interested in attending a meeting sometime, please email me.

Jim Milliman (R) holding up the Democrats' Social Security plan. Don't worry if you can't read the piece of paper in this picture... there's not a single word on it!