"Mr. President, Please Secure Our Borders Immediately
It has been nearly four years since the 9/11 attacks inside our country by foreign nationals. Yet, tens of thousands of foreign nationals every few weeks continue to be allowed to enter this country illegally through our loosely guarded borders. All of these illegal entrants threaten American citizens in one way or another—either as unfair labor competition, tax burdens, instruments of organized crime including drug running and slavery, or as terrorists.
We can no longer allow such disorder on our borders. One of the clearest responsibilities of the federal government and of the President is to protect this country's citizens from attacks across our borders.
We urge you to direct your officials in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to create and institute plans to ensure that foreign nationals who attempt to cross our borders without permission will be (a) detected, (b) apprehended and (c) either removed from this country or detained for appropriate punishment under the law.
While your Administration is implementing long-term sustainable programs to achieve border security, we urge emergency measures that begin to provide the same protection immediately by mobilizing some combination, as necessary, of Border Patrol, other DHS personnel, the military, other federal personnel and technological tools.
Various pilot programs at selected locations have proven that zero tolerance of illegal human traffic across our borders is achievable if the federal government places a priority on protecting its citizens. We submit our names with the appreciation of your consideration and action."
I just received an update via email tonight on the number of signers. As of May 19th, 400,000 Americans have signed this petition. If, like me, you are interested in voicing your displeasure at the lax security along our borders since 9/11, there is a petition online. You'll find my name on this one as I am displeased with the Republican handling of Immigration and Border Security concerns. President Bush has been leading this with proposals that sound more like amnesty and less like security. As I posted previously, the "Border Security" page on the Homeland Security website has been missing in action for quite some time.
Americans for Better Immigration have been watching the votes of our legislators in DC. Take a gander at the Immigration Report Cards for our local congressional team: McConnell, Northup, and Bunning. I am sad to say that the senior Senator from Kentucky is not scoring very well here. I know that Kentucky's team tends to support President Bush's proposals but I believe they should be keeping their eye on the constituency on this particular issue.
I want to make it known that I am a staunch Conservative. I have never voted for a Liberal in my life. However, we need our representatives to keep their fingers on the pulse of Kentuckians to understand that, even though we support President Bush on many issues, this is one in which many of us require them to step out of line and vote for stronger border security and enforcement of our immigration laws.
It has been nearly four years since the 9/11 attacks inside our country by foreign nationals. Yet, tens of thousands of foreign nationals every few weeks continue to be allowed to enter this country illegally through our loosely guarded borders. All of these illegal entrants threaten American citizens in one way or another—either as unfair labor competition, tax burdens, instruments of organized crime including drug running and slavery, or as terrorists.
We can no longer allow such disorder on our borders. One of the clearest responsibilities of the federal government and of the President is to protect this country's citizens from attacks across our borders.
We urge you to direct your officials in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to create and institute plans to ensure that foreign nationals who attempt to cross our borders without permission will be (a) detected, (b) apprehended and (c) either removed from this country or detained for appropriate punishment under the law.
While your Administration is implementing long-term sustainable programs to achieve border security, we urge emergency measures that begin to provide the same protection immediately by mobilizing some combination, as necessary, of Border Patrol, other DHS personnel, the military, other federal personnel and technological tools.
Various pilot programs at selected locations have proven that zero tolerance of illegal human traffic across our borders is achievable if the federal government places a priority on protecting its citizens. We submit our names with the appreciation of your consideration and action."
I just received an update via email tonight on the number of signers. As of May 19th, 400,000 Americans have signed this petition. If, like me, you are interested in voicing your displeasure at the lax security along our borders since 9/11, there is a petition online. You'll find my name on this one as I am displeased with the Republican handling of Immigration and Border Security concerns. President Bush has been leading this with proposals that sound more like amnesty and less like security. As I posted previously, the "Border Security" page on the Homeland Security website has been missing in action for quite some time.
Americans for Better Immigration have been watching the votes of our legislators in DC. Take a gander at the Immigration Report Cards for our local congressional team: McConnell, Northup, and Bunning. I am sad to say that the senior Senator from Kentucky is not scoring very well here. I know that Kentucky's team tends to support President Bush's proposals but I believe they should be keeping their eye on the constituency on this particular issue.
I want to make it known that I am a staunch Conservative. I have never voted for a Liberal in my life. However, we need our representatives to keep their fingers on the pulse of Kentuckians to understand that, even though we support President Bush on many issues, this is one in which many of us require them to step out of line and vote for stronger border security and enforcement of our immigration laws.