I just read Ipse Dixit's comments on the upcoming general election in the United Kingdom. I have to differ with a number of the Conservative bloggers on this. I don't mind that Kerry's people are trying to help Tony Blair get re-elected. Evidently, they are trying anything just to say that they've won something! Go figure; a group of Libs who want to win at least one election of some import! A Scottish friend of mine is very close to the election buzz in the UK and his email yesterday gave me some comfort.
"It's the general election here on Thursday. So on Friday we could have a new Prime Minister although its unlikely. It will be Tony Blair - Labour ( the incumbent) or Michael Howard - Conservative. Howard is right wing whilst, under Blair, Labour are very much a centre left party. The UK (England , Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) is divided into 662 constituencies. You vote for who you want the MP to be in your constituency. The party with the most MPs (i.e., the party that wins the most constituencies) is asked to form the next government by the Queen. My vote is negated somewhat by the fact that I live in a
safe labour seat. They could put a stuffed toy up for Labour in my area and it would still romp home.
ps: didn't a dead guy win an election in the states once?"
In case you can't tell from his comments, my old friend is not necessarily a fan of Prime Minister Blair (or of GW Bush, for that matter). We generally steer clear of any politics in our communications because we differ quite a lot on issues; we have agreed to disagree. However, knowing that my friend is a Liberal certainly makes his comments even more important to those of us who are cheering PM Blair onward and upward!
Hat tip to Ipse Dixit for the news that jarred my memory.
Big apology to my friend in the UK for using his words without advance permission... I think I sense a bottle of fine Kentucky bourbon coming his way! ;-)
"It's the general election here on Thursday. So on Friday we could have a new Prime Minister although its unlikely. It will be Tony Blair - Labour ( the incumbent) or Michael Howard - Conservative. Howard is right wing whilst, under Blair, Labour are very much a centre left party. The UK (England , Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) is divided into 662 constituencies. You vote for who you want the MP to be in your constituency. The party with the most MPs (i.e., the party that wins the most constituencies) is asked to form the next government by the Queen. My vote is negated somewhat by the fact that I live in a
safe labour seat. They could put a stuffed toy up for Labour in my area and it would still romp home.
ps: didn't a dead guy win an election in the states once?"
In case you can't tell from his comments, my old friend is not necessarily a fan of Prime Minister Blair (or of GW Bush, for that matter). We generally steer clear of any politics in our communications because we differ quite a lot on issues; we have agreed to disagree. However, knowing that my friend is a Liberal certainly makes his comments even more important to those of us who are cheering PM Blair onward and upward!
Hat tip to Ipse Dixit for the news that jarred my memory.
Big apology to my friend in the UK for using his words without advance permission... I think I sense a bottle of fine Kentucky bourbon coming his way! ;-)