I am either proud or mortified (not sure which just yet) to report that my little weblog has been selected as one of 5000 specifically requested to participate in a study being conducted by MIT. I am now officially a "Human as Experimental Subject."
"This is a general social survey of the greater weblog community being conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Our goal is to help understand the way that weblogs are affecting the way we communicate with each other. Specifically we are interested in issues of demographics, communication behaviors, experience with weblogs and other technology, and the meaning of various types of social links within the blogosphere."
Judging from some of the questions posed, I believe there must be an impression out there in the world that we webloggers live our lives primarily online! I had to chuckle about answering whether I met a certain type of person "online" or "offline." Are there blogosphere block parties going on without an invitation coming my way? Should I be offended? What am I missing? ;-)
The study is open to volunteers as well, so if you have a weblog and would like to participate visit MIT's Blog Survey website. Results for the study will be posted to the same website (blogsurvey.media.mit.edu) as soon as the study ends and the results are compiled, probably sometime in mid-July.
"This is a general social survey of the greater weblog community being conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Our goal is to help understand the way that weblogs are affecting the way we communicate with each other. Specifically we are interested in issues of demographics, communication behaviors, experience with weblogs and other technology, and the meaning of various types of social links within the blogosphere."
Judging from some of the questions posed, I believe there must be an impression out there in the world that we webloggers live our lives primarily online! I had to chuckle about answering whether I met a certain type of person "online" or "offline." Are there blogosphere block parties going on without an invitation coming my way? Should I be offended? What am I missing? ;-)
The study is open to volunteers as well, so if you have a weblog and would like to participate visit MIT's Blog Survey website. Results for the study will be posted to the same website (blogsurvey.media.mit.edu) as soon as the study ends and the results are compiled, probably sometime in mid-July.
I was actually thinking of putting out an invite for a get together of some sort over on the coalition. I've only met one coalition member face to face, but of course, you remember how cold that overpass was.
What do you think? Now that the weather is warmer, should we have a block party?
I'd love to have a CC get-together. That's a great idea! I live in a one-bedroom apartment so the chances that it will happen at my place are about nil. Maybe at Molly Malone's one evening soon?... Count me in if it's over a weekend or on a Friday night.
This oughta be fun.