I have heard/read waaaay too much from Liberals who claim there are conspiracies that run through the 9/11 attacks and our war against Islamo-fascism. They may be right about the conspiracy part; however, they've got it turned around the wrong way as a distraction -- "Hey, look over there!" Nope. Conservatives know better than to fall for that trick; instead, look right here, folks, because this "pipeline of hatred" is the true conspiracy. This presentation on Concept Wizard is very well done, factual, accurate on most counts, and actually underplays some of the bigger issues.
Lefties, we're on to you and your Muslim comrades. Your anti-Semitism is clear to those of us paying attention. We will not be distracted nor will we be tolerant.
Thanks very much to my friend Col. Rodger for the link!
Lefties, we're on to you and your Muslim comrades. Your anti-Semitism is clear to those of us paying attention. We will not be distracted nor will we be tolerant.
Thanks very much to my friend Col. Rodger for the link!