Our friend, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross has written an excellent piece for The Weekly Standard on "The Next Big One?"
Let's go back a year and revisit the argument for profiling, courtesy of Mark Alexander writing for the Patriot Post. I've seen this argument floating around the internet for almost four years now. Is anyone in a position of authority paying attention?! Maybe it's time to recruit a few of those psychology professors who are underpaid in the world of academe for underpaid but much appreciated jobs as part of our airport security screening system? Just a thought.
... The problem, though, is that while the enemy adapts to our defenses, our defenses do not adapt to the enemy. Airport security is entirely mechanical. Very little attention is devoted to determining who should be pulled aside for additional screening, and the limited questions asked of passengers serve no real security purpose. ...I believe Daveed is right; we need to rethink a few of our stale assumptions in this war against Islamo-fascism and al Qaeda. While our enemies study our defenses, we're busy worrying about their "rights?" Something is just a little too skewed there if you ask me. We are, after all, in a war for our lives, folks.
Let's go back a year and revisit the argument for profiling, courtesy of Mark Alexander writing for the Patriot Post. I've seen this argument floating around the internet for almost four years now. Is anyone in a position of authority paying attention?! Maybe it's time to recruit a few of those psychology professors who are underpaid in the world of academe for underpaid but much appreciated jobs as part of our airport security screening system? Just a thought.