On September 11, 2001, Sergeant Major Tony Rose was talking with his co-workers in the Pentagon about the attack on the World Trade Center when American Airlines flight 77 slammed into the building at 400 miles per hour. It exploded directly under Tony's second-floor office.
"I was blown off my feet into the pylon -- just like some invisible hand had pushed me," he said. Although injured, Tony led the rescue, recovery, and security operations that day after the Pentagon was attacked.
Tony is a 9/11/01 ground zero survivor of the terrorist attack on the Pentagon. Twenty-nine of his fellow soldiers and civilian employees perished that day. Tony received the Army Soldier's Medal for Heroism for going back into the burning Pentagon five times that morning to save lives. He also received the Purple Heart for personal injuries incurred. He travels extensively speaking of the 9/11 heroes and the hell inside the Pentagon that the world never saw.
I have read a lot and seen a few movies about the attacks that day. United 93 was an excellent and heart-wrenching movie that told the story of the heroes who died when their flight went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. A good story was written by Earl Swift of the Virginian-Pilot about the Americans who were at the Pentagon when it was hit. Other than that, you just don't see much about the attack on the Pentagon unless it's on the conspiracy websites where they claim it didn't happen the way it happened. (Grrr!)
I have come this evening from a women's club meeting where Tony Rose recounted the events of that day at the Pentagon. He is an amazing speaker and a true American hero. I left feeling more proud to be an American than ever -- if that's even possible! ;-)
He is someone you want to hear if he's ever speaking in your area. If you need a speaker for an event, he is absolutely one of the best. Even though the attack on the Pentagon is tragic, you will come away from it knowing that this particular survivor will never let America forget that we owe a great debt to those who perished that day and to those who are fighting for us today. Every American should be proud knowing we have such fine people protecting our freedoms and representing Old Glory well in everything they do, everything they are.
God bless you, Tony! Keep up the good work -- America needs your voice to be heard!