This whole debate drives me freakin' nuts! There is no such thing as "consensus" when it comes to proving or disproving a theory. Scientists may find consensus on a theory; however, data proves or disproves it -- science simply cannot have consensus on proof of a theory. It's either true or it's false. That's what makes it science and not art.
Here's my 2-cents on the matter: What can truthfully be said about global warming? Only that data gathered so far has shown a minor warming trend. Period. There is no conclusive evidence that any man-made emissions have caused this warming trend. Heck, we don't have enough historical data to know if this is a natural cycle or something unexpected and dramatic. Could we be more responsible inhabitantsof this planet? Oh yes, very possibly. Would it change anything in this planet's evolution or its dynamic nature? Uh, probably not.
No matter where you fall on any flavor of the global warming debate -- it's warming/it's not warming; it's man's fault/it's not man's fault -- one this is certain: The Kyoto Treaty is an exercise in juggling theories while holding no promise of changing anything whatsoever about this planet's dynamic environment.
This is partly the basis of the Patriot Post's petition to "Stop Albert Gore and Reject the UN's Global Warming Treaty." Yours truly has applied her electronic Jane Hancock as of this afternoon. Here's the request directly from the publisher of The Patriot Post:
Fellow Patriots,
On Wednesday, we launched an important petition to "Stop Albert Gore and Reject the UN's Global Warming Treaty." Gore is re-energizing the movement advocating Kyoto compliance -- the biggest UN power-grab in history.
I urge you to sign this petition now, please. We already have over 30,000 electronic signatures. We want to deliver 100,000 signatures to the Senate by the time Al Gore reaches the podium at this Sunday's Academy Awards.
It takes only 20 seconds to sign online.
To sign by e-mail, send a blank e-mail to: sign-stopgore@PatriotPetitions.US
Thank you!
Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis!
Mark Alexander
Publisher, PatriotPost.US