This comes as news to me but I'm quite happy to hear it! Evidently, the Department of Defense has created a team at CENTCOM that monitors blogs for factual errors. This team is acting as a sort of "truth squad" to ensure that bloggers are aware when they post erroneous information and to point these bloggers to the facts.
(Thanks for keeping an eye on Strategy Page, Mark! And of course, a great big thanks to Strategy Page for all the great work they do to keep the rest of us informed!)
... "The CENTCOM team helps by directing bloggers to web sites where they can get eye witness reports from troops, journalists or local civilians. Many leftist and anti-war bloggers consider all this another form of government propaganda. Truth tends to be trampled by beliefs based on faith. But the truth squad is having success with a lot of bloggers, who just pick up sensationalist falsehoods, and are unaware that there are news and military sites where they can get more accurate eyewitness reports." ...Of course, the radical Lefty bloggers are up in arms over this! Let's face it; facts just aren't as sensational (or harmful) as fantasies. It's bound to hurt their readership!
1. something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
2. something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.
3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.(Source:
The Left might call it propaganda -- and, hey, I suppose they would know. After all, the radical Left in this country has built their political ideology out of mislabeling clearly defined words to change the meaning for political purposes, especially as it concerns our current struggle against Islamofascist terrorism. Nice job, DoD! Please keep up the effort to get the facts out there for more public consumption.
(Thanks for keeping an eye on Strategy Page, Mark! And of course, a great big thanks to Strategy Page for all the great work they do to keep the rest of us informed!)