You know there had to be a whole heckuva lot of us there on March 17th because stories from The Gathering of Eagles counter-protest in DC are all over the internet now! There were numerous bloggers that made up for the lack of fair media coverage on our side. One blogger, Citizen Smash, even infiltrated the ANSWER rally and march! So, if you'd like to check out more of the online coverage -- some of it is simply outstanding! -- check out these links:
The most informative and entertaining account of that day comes from Citizen Smash of Indepundit -- he infiltrated the moonbats! Read all about it here.
Tantor at Conservative Propaganda has great pictures and an extensive first-hand account of the day. It's a must read.
Michelle Malkin did a terrific video report for Hot Air. You've got to watch this!
Concrete Bob at the DC Protest Warrior blog has posted a FANTASTIC slide show of pictures from The Gathering of Eagles. BRAVO, BOB!
The Washington Post has a pretty good video online. Watch at about 1:49 into this video when an America-hater spits at a pro-victory supporter. She misses, of course.
YouTube has a number of videos from The Gathering of Eagles. Here's the list.
Award winning journalist, Catherine Moy, has a great story up on Melanie Morgan's site: "Media miss the story again: Historic Pro-troop Movement surges on war anniversary"
Jack Langer wrote a piece in Human Events called "Power to the People" which is a fun read. He puts it all in perspective.
A message from Harry Riley, Col, USA, Ret. about the success of The Gathering of Eagles on March 17th. He's the man!
Right on the Right has an extensive collection of write-ups and great photos in the "Gathering of Eagles" category -- check them out.
The Gateway Pundit has a fun write-up about how we outclassed the "socialist hacks" of Code Pink.
Kit Jarrell from Euphoric Reality (and a major part of organizing The Gathering of Eagles), does an internet radio show called "The Front Line." She did a special edition for those who attended The Gathering of Eagles to share their experiences. Here's the podcast.