Unless you are using the www.conservachick.com address for ConservaChick, please be sure to update your blogrolls and/or bookmarks!
Over a year ago, I acquired the www.conservachick.com domain and have primarily used that to point folks to ConservaChick. So, if you blogrolled or bookmarked this blog using that address, you're golden and you should feel free to disregard the rest of this post.
For those of you who blogrolled or bookmarked ConservaChick eons ago, you probably used the original blogspot address (http://swfwithattitude.blogspot.com). I recently updated the blogspot address to better reflect the actual name of the blog. As a result, some of the older links may fail unless you update your bookmarks and/or blogrolls to point to:
http://theconservachick.blogspot.com OR http://www.conservachick.com
Thanks and my apologies for any inconvenience!
Over a year ago, I acquired the www.conservachick.com domain and have primarily used that to point folks to ConservaChick. So, if you blogrolled or bookmarked this blog using that address, you're golden and you should feel free to disregard the rest of this post.
For those of you who blogrolled or bookmarked ConservaChick eons ago, you probably used the original blogspot address (http://swfwithattitude.blogspot.com). I recently updated the blogspot address to better reflect the actual name of the blog. As a result, some of the older links may fail unless you update your bookmarks and/or blogrolls to point to:
http://theconservachick.blogspot.com OR http://www.conservachick.com
Thanks and my apologies for any inconvenience!