In the "Better Late than Never" section of ConservaChick's "Things to Post" list is my VERY delayed posting on Louisville, Kentucky's Tea Party held April 15, 2009.
Courtesy of friends in the field who took pictures and notes, I'm able to bring you some pictures and some insight into the Tea Party that was held downtown in Louisville, Kentucky on April 15, 2009.
From what I understand the turnout was far better than expected -- somewhere between 1,000-2,000 people. It was a nice mixture of folks from fairly well-known local Conservative Democrats and Conservative Republicans to readily identifiable Libertarians and Moderates. Why such a mixture of political parties? Well, it's simply that at the base of the pyramid of politics lies the American citizen. He or she with a passion for liberty and justice, none of which is being served by overburdening the citizenry with an outrageous national debt and playing outside the sandbox of its own playground. This out-of-control federal dabbling into the private sector has a number of people alarmed. It smacks of fascism and, even people who can't define "fascism" will tell you that it's just WRONG.
The best pictures I've seen so far that captured a lot of the signs and faces from the event are online here courtesy of Meredith Maney. I included a picture of what has to be my favorite sign from the event at the top of this post.
Since I can't really report firsthand, I'll simply leave you with more pictures from the rally. Very impressive. Makes me proud to be an American!