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A Message from Debbie Lee, Gold Star Mom

Remember my son, Marc Alan Lee on Memorial Day

Support Our Heroes
with Care Packages

for this Special Holiday
Memorial Day is just a day away and time is running out to send your support to the troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. I remember as a child I could always look forward to a long weekend filled with lots of fun, maybe a trip to the lake, camping, or our famous Memorial Day picnic. I remember visiting the graves of my Great Grandmother or Grand Father a few times, but I never knew that Memorial Day was to remember those who died who had served our country in the military. Many people aren't any different than I was. They don't understand the reason for this holiday.

Memorial Day will never again be just a three-day weekend to me. I urge you to pray for the families of those who gave their lives for this country, and to support those who protect us against our enemies today.
Sponsor a Care Package today and write
a personal note of thanks to our troops:

The past several years I have walked through National Cemeteries from Arlington, VA., to Fort Rosecrans in San Diego. I thought about each hero and wondered about their stories. It is staggering to see the rows and rows of marble headstones with the names of so many warriors who faithfully served their country and defended our freedoms. Many have the designation KIA after the date of their death, noting that they were "Killed in Action."

I have memorized what is etched on the headstone at Fort Rosecrans space #1255. That is where my youngest son rests.  

MARCH 20, 1978
AUG 2, 2006


I personally know so many who gave their life and blood for this nation. I also know those who served, returned home, silently carried the scars left from combat, and died in old age. This Memorial Day, I will honor and remember those who served and are no longer with us. I will place flowers on Marc's grave, thanking him and all of those who rest alongside him for their selfless sacrifice. I know there will be tears as I long to see his smile or feel his e
mbrace. One day I will see Marc in Heaven.

My Son and I, after his graduation from BUDS training

I still am amazed that so many go to battle knowing they may give their life so that others may live. My mind wanders to Iraq and Afghanistan where right now we have brave warriors fighting for our freedom. They are thousands of miles away from home
, wondering if we remember them and their sacrifice away from their families. I can't think of a better way to remind them that they are not forgotten than to send them a care package to lift their spirits and let them know we love and appreciate them.

 I know this means so much to them.  I just received a letter from one of our warriors in Afghanistan who received a care package from me. "I promise to you, your family, and to Marc I will do my best."

This wasn't from someone I had ever met or who knew Marc. He was just touched by knowing that someone else cares and remembers our troops.

Please join me this year in remembering our fallen heroes and help me to continue to support and honor those who are currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan by sponsoring a care package.
     Debbie Lee 

PS: Mark your Calendars for June 25th and join me as Move America Forward hosts our Second Annual Troop-a-thon. 


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