When ConservaDude and I were at the Louisville Tea Party on 9/5/09, we met a couple from St. Louis, Missouri who were selling some cool t-shirts. My hubby is now the proud owner of a "Band of Patriots" shirt and I'll be calling soon to order my "Cap'n Trade" tee!
I thought I should share these with you in case you're in the market for a clever t-shirt.
[I think this one speaks quite clearly for itself!]
The t-shirts are $15.00 each. If you like what you see, you can email inquiries to them freedomladies@gmail.com or call Eileen at 636-812-2161 to order.
In case you need another good reason to buy from them, they are awaiting their non-profit status as the "Freed Ladies." When that is official, proceeds from these sales will then be sent to the USO.
I am a young married woman in Louisville. I attended the 9/12 DC march with my brother, father, and a friend of the family. We all helped to produce a short documentary of the event for youtube. you can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvnD92IZQsM I am Kelly Peters Toon, the "On Screen Talent." I hope you like it, and thanks for a great blog! Oh, and I wore that great Cap 'n Trade shirt on the drive to DC ;)