Date: Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 12:38 PM
Subject: Three Things No One Else Is Telling You
Quote of the Day: "Things in our country run in spite of the government, not by the aid of it." -- Will Rogers (1879-1935) American humorist
Unelected federal bureaucrats are forcing New York City to spend $27 million to replace their street signs. Our bureaucratic overlords maintain that streets signs must contain both upper and lower case letters, instead of just capital letters! Do you feel grateful that you're being protected from upper case streets signs?
This dictatorial mandate comes from the Federal Highway Administration, and applies to every community in America, not just New York City.
But don't blame this outrage on the busy-body Democrats. This isn't an Obama directive. The rule was actually promulgated back in 2003 -- during the Bush Administration.
Regardless of which party rules, very little is done to stop unfunded mandates or bureaucratic law-making. The problem is, Republicans have been promising to get rid of unfunded mandates since their so-called "Contract With America" way back in 1994!
The GOP controlled Congress and the White House for 6 years, but did exactly nothing to honor their promise.
This shows why we must remain committed to principles, not parties or politicians.
Now, here is what can be done about unfunded mandates, and you'll only read these next two ideas HERE, in the Downsizer-Dispatch.
First, New York City could tell the feds to, "Go to hell." City officials swore an oath to the Constitution too. They've read the highest law in the land. They know this is wrong.
That would be called, "nullification." To help promote this idea, Downsize DC President Jim Babka will be speaking at the Nullify Now! Conference in Orlando on October 10. There will also be two other opportunities to see (and meet) him this weekend. You can see the details here.
Second, if a single sitting GOP member of Congress was serious about fixing unfunded mandates imposed by un-elected bureaucrats, then he or she could sponsor's Write the Laws Act.
There are candidates who've pledged to do this, and you can read their names here.
But no incumbent member of Congress has yet stepped forward to introduce this powerful bill which would restore ALL legislative power to the House and Senate, and deny any legislative power to the Executive Branch, just as the Founders intended.
The Republicans tell us they believe in small government and the Constitution, but if that were really true they would introduce this bill.
Allowing bureaucrats to issue dictates that have the force of law amounts to legislation without representation. How un-Constitutional is that? How un-American? How hypocritical, especially for GOP members?
You may borrow from or copy this letter . . .
The FHWA is requiring street signs nationwide be replaced so that, for example, MAIN ST becomes Main St. Fonts must also be standardized. This underscores the need for the WTLA . . .
* This FHWA dictate is an unfunded mandate imposed by unelected bureaucrats on cash-strapped local governments, which means
* My state and local governments must pay for these changes by taxing me, even though we weren't represented in this rulingI demand you do two things:
* Repeal the FHWA street sign requirement and return all powers of traffic control and safety to the states, exactly as the Tenth Amendment requires
* Introduce the Write the Laws Act so that Congress alone will write our laws and regulations, as the Constitution also requiresIf you claim you want smaller, less-intrusive, common-sense government, then show me you really mean it by introducing DownsizeDC's Write the Laws Act.
You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.
And Jim Babka hopes to see you this weekend!
James Wilson
Assistant Communications Director, Inc.
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