Defending Our Doctors from a Hostile Government Take Over Free Webinar: How Doctors Can Protect Their Profession from a Hostile Government Takeover and How Patients Can Help! Tuesday, February 2, 2010 9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Click Here to Reserve Your Webinar Seat Now U.S. Senate Candidate Cherilyn Eagar (R-UT) will host this event featuring Kathryn Serkes , AAPS Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Juliette Madrigal-Dersch, M.D. of Marble Falls, TX, and George Watson, D.O. of Wichita, KS. Doctors, we know political activism is not what you signed up for when you went to medical school, but this is your future and our health. We need you to be involved NOW and we can't do it without you! Dr. Madrigal-Dersch and Dr. Watson have successful practices and will share how the free market works and how it has revolutionized their way of working directly with their patients and not as middle men for third parties, such as big insurance and government progr...