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Showing posts from April, 2009

Louisville Tea Party

In the "Better Late than Never" section of ConservaChick's "Things to Post" list is my VERY delayed posting on Louisville, Kentucky's Tea Party held April 15, 2009. Courtesy of friends in the field who took pictures and notes, I'm able to bring you some pictures and some insight into the Tea Party that was held downtown in Louisville, Kentucky on April 15, 2009. From what I understand the turnout was far better than expected -- somewhere between 1,000-2,000 people. It was a nice mixture of folks from fairly well-known local Conservative Democrats and Conservative Republicans to readily identifiable Libertarians and Moderates. Why such a mixture of political parties? Well, it's simply that at the base of the pyramid of politics lies the American citizen. He or she with a passion for liberty and justice, none of which is being served by overburdening the citizenry with an outrageous national debt and playing outside the sandbox of its own playground. T...

GOProud -- back to Conservative roots

Welcome home, GOProud ! "There's a stereotype that if you're gay, you're liberal - and if you are a conservative, you're a bigot. Well, there are people like me who are gay and conservative, and we think it's important that we have a voice." I'll take some heat on this post but I frankly could not care less about that. I have worked many political events in this area and, at a large number or them, I've hung my head in shame over the whole "gay marriage" question and the Republican stance on it. The TRUE Conservative stance on gay marriage is clearly expressed by the GOProud spokesperson in this WSJ editorial: The Federal government should have no part in setting social policy. It should not be involved in legislating marriage or doing ANY type of social engineering. Some people believe this to be a more Libertarian stance but it was originally a Conservative stance. I don't know what happened to the GOP after Reagan; however, I do v...

One last update

As part of the effort to build a national network of activists fighting against the taxing, spending and borrowing coming out of Washington and – in many cases – our state capitals, Let Freedom Ring and the Institute for Liberty have partnered to collect the mobile telephone numbers of as many people who attend the April 15 Tea Parties as possible. Tomorrow, during the Tea Parties you attend across the country: Text “TEAPARTY” to 74362 On Your Mobile Phone (Standard Message Rates Apply) Be aware that by texting this message to the number given, your number will be plugged into a new National Taxpayers’ Network. You'll get access to mobile petitions, issue alerts, news of critical meetings in your area and other important information sent directly to your mobile phone.

Going Galt

In coordination with the April 15th Tea Party rallies, a Send-a-Book-to-Politicians Campaign has been launched to take the message of protest directly to the legislators so that its presence can be felt in Washington, DC and Governors' offices across the county. The book selected to be sent is Atlas Shrugged , because it demonstrates what comes when a government violates its citizens' individual rights instead of protecting them. Let the weight of the books received convey the measure of our displeasure with their policies. Yes, some of us are fans of Ayn Rand. We've read the book named in the press release above and understand that Rand used the story of Atlas Shrugged to warn Americans of the danger inherent in giving too much power to our government, the dangers of class envy and unchecked power, the danger of sitting idly by while the resources of private industry are looted, and the danger of allowing government to squelch the desires and the rewards of individuals wh...

Spammers Suck

My apologies to those of you who follow this blog on Twitter. Chinese spammers have been hitting the comment section of this blog lately. In an effort to eliminate the nuisance, I will have to moderate the comments. So, my apologies in advance for the delay in seeing your comments posted. In keeping with my policy of no censorship, no commentary will be deleted or denied a posting on ConservaChick as long as the commentary is not spam.

Free Speech = Extremism

The Washington Times and other media outlets have announced the Department of Homeland Security's new "analysis" of rightwing extremism. It's a true departure from what you and I may have thought to be the job of Homeland Security. We might have thought that our security was threatened by the declaration of war on America by Islamist radicals years ago but, apparently, you'd be mistaken. The true threat comes from those radical Rightwingers ! And so begins the persecution of free speech in this country. A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority. "It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says. So, I suppose yours truly is n...

Oink Oink!

Citizens Against Government Waste has released its 2009 Pig Book . Find out who the real pork barrel spenders are in DC. My thanks to our Congressional contingent from Kentucky . Our state has dropped from #18 on the list to #20. Thank you for showing some restraint while in DC. We can re-elect you knowing you're not bringing home the bacon at our expense like you used to.

Federal Government Gone Wild!

I keep expecting to see a late night advertisement for a DVD called "Federal Government Gone Wild!" with members of Congress lifting their blouses or dropping trou and yelling "Woooohoooo!" as they chug beer on Spring Break... $19.95. Sad, isn't it? 2009 is fast becoming the year of Federal Government Gone Wild. Look, I'm a simple person. When I have a limited amount of income and my expenses grow, I start to look at what I can cut out of my budget to make up the difference until I can increase my income. Right? It's simple household budgeting. Our Federal government likes to pretend that it has more options than that. China can loan us more money... we can print more money... etc. We would be in BIG trouble if we, as individual Americans tried to exercise either of those options, wouldn't we? In a mere three months the Federal government has: (1) given unconstitutional authority to the tax-evading Treasury Secretary to dole out billions of dollars ...

America Bows to Female Oppressors

This is just change I can be ashamed of! " 24th State " did a nice write-up on the incident and I completely concur! American dignity has just taken a huge nose dive into the mire of arse-kissing and arrogance all at the same time when you compare the deep and lengthy bow given the Saudi King who rules a kingdom of female oppression versus the minimal nod and acknowledgement of the British Queen who rules a kingdom of parliamentary freedom accorded all sexes. I'm disgusted both by this display AND the superficial and ill-thought-out gifts given visiting dignitaries lately. America has taken a turn for the crass.

The Future of the United States (Defined)

If some men are entitled by right to the products of the work of others, it means that those others are deprived of rights and condemned to slave labour. Any alleged "right" of one man, which necessitates the violation of the rights of another, is not and cannot be a right. No man can have a right to impose an unchosen obligation, an unrewarded duty or an involuntary servitude on another man. There can be no such thing as "the right to enslave." -- Ayn Rand Tonight's post is simply a few descriptions of political systems just for you "Libruhls" (see recent comments by Anonymous). Enjoy! SOCIALISM Sharing the same collective view of mankind as communism socialism is a political system in which the means of production, distribution and exchange are mostly owned by the state, and used, at least in theory, on behalf of the people (whose 'good' is decided by the legislator). The idea behind socialism is that the capitalist system is intrinsically ...