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Showing posts from August, 2009

Fifty-one years have passed...

...but this sure sounds like a good idea today, doesn't it?... 1958 was a good year for many things including political action plans, apparently. So, do we ignore it again? Do we continue the status quo or do we stiffen our spines and start cutting the umbilical cord?...

Czar Accountability Reform Act of 2009 (HR 3226)

As my husband and I made our signs for the Louisville Tea Party on July 4, 2009, he wanted something unique on his sign. He researched and read online and finally came up with a brilliant idea for his sign -- "America: More Czars than Russia!" I had no idea. It never actually occurred to me that we might have more than Russia had. Sure enough -- Russia had sixteen czars by 1916. Thanks to the Supreme Leader, Obama, Amerika now has twice as many. In eight months time, we have surpassed the total in Russian history! Today, both my husband and I received letters from Senator McConnell's office. He directed us to a bill that is on its way to committee in the House of Representatives. A bill which neither of us had heard of until today -- The Czar Accountability Reform Act of 2009 (HR 3226) . "To provide that appropriated funds may not be used to pay for any salaries or expenses of any task force, council, or similar office which is established by or at the direction of t...


" Get Out Of Our House !" is an idea whose time may have arrived. "GOOOH stands for 'Get Out of Our House' and is pronounced like the word 'go'. It is a NON-PARTISAN plan to evict the 435 career politicians in the U.S. House of Representatives and replace them with everyday Americans just like you." I'll be reading more on their website to see what this is all about; in the meantime, I thought I'd share the link so you all can take a look at this novel idea for changing "ownership" of our country too. As always, I'm interested in your thoughts on it. PS: I find it a tad unfortunate that the folks who named this organization decided to include an unnecessary O for "of" in their acronym. It would have been nice to have kept it to a much shorter and far more appealing "GOOH" but the idea itself is appealing so we'll just have to overlook that minor gooof. ;o)

Rand Paul for Senate 2010

Those of you who stop by on a regular basis know that I will miss Senator Bunning when he leaves office. I have never been very hot on the idea of Trey Grayson replacing Senator Bunning because he's too easily manipulated by senior politicians here in Kentucky. Don't get me wrong; Grayson's a nice guy. I just don't want to see him become Senator McConnell's pet project. I want representation that matches... no, representation that beats Senator Bunning's best Conservative traits. That's what is needed at this time in history in every state. So, imagine my pleasant surprise when I looked more deeply at Rand Paul. Paul has raised a lot of money for his campaign in a fairly short amount of time. He comes from Western Kentucky as does Bunning. The best part? He's Ron Paul's son and shares his father's Constitutional Conservatism! I've made it no secret that I voted for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican primary. Unfortunately, the Republican establ...

The Great Liberal Narrative

I have just seen the most brilliant summary of what we Conservatives mean when we say that the MSM is biased, what we mean when we express outrage over the lack of news coverage that is afforded stories that simply don't "fit the narrative." Pajamas TV's Bill Whittle has done it in his Afterburner video titled, " MSNBC & the Great Liberal Narrative: The Truth about the Tyranny of Political Correctness ." [I'm having trouble getting this video embedded. Please click the link in the text above and watch it. Believe me, you'll be glad you did.] My fellow Conservatives will absolutely be cheering after they watch this -- "Finally! Someone has laid it out and said it better than ever before." My Liberal friends -- many of whom are in total denial right now -- will probably deny, jeer, and ridicule; however, if they take the time to actually watch this with an open mind, they'll understand why many Americans (of every political party, rac...

Tea Party Express Stop in Louisville

For the record, Liberals: None of us really give a rat's ass that you call our rallies "teabagging" or refer to us as "teabaggers." We know it's meant to be derisive but frankly we don't care. Doesn't bother us a bit, really. It's water off a duck's back, boneheads. Your silly little " Rules for Psychopaths " don't measure up to the American spirit when our freedoms are threatened. Now that I've gone on the record with my complete disregard for derision by Liberals, here's an update for you on an upcoming local Tea Party and the Tea Party Express tour activities. Louisville, Kentucky is one of the stops on the Tea Party Express tour that ends in Washington, DC on 9/12/09. Check out the latest press release from Our Country Deserves Better regarding the Tea Party Express tour. SACRAMENTO, CA - The Countdown to the “Tea Party Express” has begun, as just fourteen days remain until the official launch of the historic "T...

Ode to the Anonymi

[Source: Patriot Humor 8/4/09 ]

Freedom of Speech is for all of us, whiners.

It's only " mean spiritied " when it's your guy and it's the truth, I suppose. Sorry, Obama-fanatics, as far as I know, the First Amendment still stands even when it's your guy being bashed. It was funny when it was someone else's guy, huh? Possibly all that "everyone wins," "let's all play nice and not keep score," Liberal nonsense has ruined your sense of fair play. Stop whining. Buck up and take it like Americans. Wussies.

Conservative cars are cool.

Luxury cars are soon to be a thing of the past, I'm sure. The cost of luxury automobiles have always been a bit high for my budget. Even so, I wanted to take one out for a drive anyway and did so last week. While I drove, the salesman sat in the back seat and described the car and options. The seats were of particular interest. They directed warm air to your tushie during the winter and cool air to your tushie in the summer heat. "Well, this must be a Conservative car," I mused aloud. Startled by such a comment, the salesman asked why I thought the car would be Conservative. Actually, I'm rather shocked that any employee in the auto industry these days couldn't figure that one out but I told him anyway. "Well, if it were a Liberal car, the seats would blow nothing but smoke up your ass year 'round." [Thanks for that laugh, Cindy -- hope you don't mind the creative license I took with the original. You're such a cool sister-in-law!]

Have a peek for yourself, folks.

Read the Bill for yourself . Stay up-to-date and informed. Attend your local town hall meetings during the August recess to ask questions about this bill. Whatever you do, do it armed with knowledge, do it with the understanding that, even though they may think otherwise, your elected representatives work for YOU. If you sit idly by, uneducated and unengaged, here's a glimpse of your future... ...yep. It actually *is* scary.

Spy vs. Spy in Amerika

I was going to write my own little piece on this but it's being talked about all over the internet this evening. Instead, I'll be lazy and link you to a piece that I particularly liked (especially the brillant accompanying artwork). Outrage! White House Seeks Domestic Spies I have some serious scare-mongering and disinformation to report; however, I'd be willing to bet the President already knows he's doing it...

Jack Conway scares kids... and other people too.

For those of you who don't know about Kentucky's yearly, sweltering political picnic tradition, it's held one Saturday every summer at Fancy Farm in Western Kentucky and provides us common folk with the opportunity to hear rousing speeches from our local politicians in all their "gloves-off" glory. I haven't been to the picnic since 2004 because it's almost always miserably hot weather; however, for those who do brave the heat, there are usually moments when it seems worthwhile. I hear that Jack Conway, a pretty-boy Democrat who hopes to win the Democrat nomination to run for Jim Bunning's Senate seat, provided that moment this year... I don't know about you but I'd say those kids are scared of Jack Conway. Tsk, tsk, Mr. Conway. Such language! It seems you startled a few adults too . [Thank you, Tiffany. You certainly lightened up an otherwise gloomy, rainy day for yours truly!]