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Showing posts from November, 2006

Seven Principles

I have often written in commentary or in posts on this blog that I believe myself to be a true Conservative, one who believes in the core principles of Conservatism. When George W. Bush campaigned for the presidency in 2000, he and other Republicans began using the phrase " Compassionate Conservative ." This seemed like idiocy to me and, very likely, to others who believe in the bedrock principles expressed by Barry Goldwater in the 1960s (presented very nicely by the Heritage Foundation in this essay ). True Conservatism is extremely empowering; why water it down? Since that unfortunate turn of events, the Conservatism practiced today has lost its way -- further empowering the federal government while eroding the personal empowerment inherent in the original principles. The label of "Conservative" is confusing now, even to me. And so, I find myself searching for a better way to express my political ideology and the empowerment inherent in it. " The Seven Princ...

"What will we do there?"

When my boyfriend, Mark, suggested a small vacation trip to Washington D.C. after Thanksgiving, my first thought was, "Congress isn't in session... what will we do there?" (I hope you chuckled at the foolishness of that thought too.) The first time I was in D.C., I was there on business but make a side trip to tour Congress and meet some of the hard-working people in Congresswoman Northup's office on the Hill. I was able to sit in the gallery for a bit and watch our representatives debate a national forest bill. It was quite educational and interesting. I left D.C. the first time pleased and proud of the way we run our Republic. This time, it was all about sight-seeing. I guess I've had to work a bit of sight-seeing into business trips for so long that it felt a bit odd to be free to be wherever I wanted to be the whole time. There is so much to see in our nation's capitol that it would overwhelm any mere mortal who might wish to try to take it all in on on...

The FairTax: Democrat Vehicle for Reform?

While I remain doubtful that a Democrat majority in Congress will lead to any beneficial and meaningful reforms, it's actually quite nice to know that others who favor the FairTax are finding reasons for optimism. I sure hope he's right! Thanks for the boost in morale, Jonathan! by Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous Now that the aftermath of the elections have subsided, I want to follow-up on what TD [Terry Dillard] said in the FTBB [FairTax Blogburst] a couple of weeks ago about grassroots campaigning. As we have mentioned on countless occasions, whether you are a Republican or Democrat or Libertarian, the FairTax is for you. I, myself did not heed my own advice for I grew disconcerted immediately after the election for the FairTax's prospects. Me, being an individual that leans right of center in virtually every facet of my life thought the Democrat Party would not be the party to implement the FairTax. But, the more I have come to think of it the more I grow somewhat optimis...

Fearless Leader is Baaaack!

The man who brought Conservatism to life in a big way and architected the sweep of Congress in 1994 by Conservatives is back! Yes, he's been with us for years now writing and speaking and making appearances but now it appears he's ready to lead Conservatives back to their roots with the American people. He may or may not run for President in '08 but he's putting together a plan reminiscent of " Contract with America " that may very well make the difference between a dwindling minority status in Congress or winning back a few seats in the House and Senate. The political ideology of Conservatism (as originally conceived) is a winning ideology when put into practice. With the current mealy-mouthed, wishy-washy, new Conservatism as practiced by Republicans on the Hill these past six years, it's time we return to the bedrock of true Conservatism if we are to make up any ground in '08. Our man Newt is back! ...and just in time! By the way, I'm headed ...

Which wolf are YOU feeding?

This story seems so appropriate for Thanksgiving: One evening an old Cherokee Chief told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all. One is Evil: It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good: It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed" (A big thanks to Mark and Rebecca for sharing this story with me!)

Giving Thanks

Every year on Thanksgiving, it's important to me to spend some time in reflection on the blessings in my life, to give thanks for those things that I might otherwise take for granted. Can there be any better holiday than one in which you can take this sort of time to reflect? Call me an optimist but I truly believe that each of us -- from the homeless to the wealthy -- can find a blessing somewhere in our life no matter how tough life has been each year. From the shelter with a free Thanksgiving meal for the homeless to the large bounty of food shared with loved ones, everyone can find one bit of light even in the darkest of times for which to give thanks. Every year there are more and with each new blessing, a new challenge. Isn't that what keeps us all going? I like to share my own personal list of things for which I am thankful each year because, quite often, I am giving thanks for some of the same things as others today. I'll bet this year is no exception! I'm givin...

Is conscription the prescription?

US Representative, Charlie Rangel (D-NY) is at it again. Rangel's prescription for fixing the ills we're feeling in Iraq is a draft . I have very mixed feelings about this. Conscription is conscription no matter what you choose to label it. Is that appropriate in a free country? On the flip side of this coin, I've often thought that compulsory national service would be a great idea for American kids right out of high school. It might have been a better start for me than learning to down beer at a Liberal Arts university! Two years in the service might give kids time to think about their future, learn higher levels of responsibility, and begin to take life more seriously. There are many countries who require some level of mandatory military service: Belarus, Chile, China, Croatia, Serbia, Russia, Iran, Lebanon, our neighbor Mexico, and our old buddy Germany, to name a few. Gee, now that I look at that partial list... aren't many of those countries Socialist or at battl...

Rethinking the Results of 2006 Mid-term Elections

It's not often I have the privilege of posting original articles by fair-minded, analytical authors. I'm very happy to be able to do so today with a hearty "thank you" to Bradford Cummings for sending it my way. Feel free to email your comments directly to him by clicking the link on his name. And, as always, the Comments section of this blog belongs to you so feel free to post there as well. One Dog, Two Dog, Red Dog, Blue Dog by Bradford Cummings With the contentious 2006 elections having passed us by, pundits fueled by partisan desires have blindly asserted their opinions as to how our country has arrived at this conclusion. Mandates will be claimed, political graveyards will be filled by John Kerry bobble head dolls and a whole score of candidates will begin focusing their sights on the promising vistas of 2007 and 2008. I begin by congratulating my Democratic opponents and friends. You have finally overcome that hurdle which at one time seemed unreachable. Yo...

NYT Article Highlights Our Very Own Bluegrass Institute!

Yes, even the Liberal New York Times is curious about Conservatives. Imagine that! They gained points with this Conservative yesterday by publishing a great article, " Preaching the Gospel of Small Government ." In the article, The Bluegrass Institute 's Chris Derry is profiled along with Lawrence Reed of the Mackinac Center . Both men have been propelled into careers that subjugate their true earning power to their enthusiasm for a noble cause. Odd for free-market Conservatives, I must admit. They are to be admired however for taking an active role in ideas about which they feel so strongly. While the article is a great read and does a nice job of profiling this movement and its proponents, the NYT earned a bit of my disdain by trying to discredit the very topic they wrote about by including the phrase "Preaching the Gospel" in the headline. How ridiculous! The article is about free-market Conservatism and those who are doing all in their power to help others ...

Michael and Us

Oh Lord help us all! Michael Moore has condescended to quell the fears of Conservatives (and Republicans, as he so aptly noted) with an amusing pledge . As a Conservative, my fears were definitely quelled by his "pledge;" I now know with utter certainty that the Dems will do their best to remind Americans why we booted them out in 1994... sophomoric snideness among them. Thank God for Professor Kurgman ! He has "translated" Michael's pledge for those of us who may not understand the subtle messages being delivered in this pledge. For the record, Mr. Moore, some of your snideness is inappropriately pointed at true Conservatives. Republicans might truly need reassurances that you will leave their personal lives alone while funding your personal prerogatives; however, Conservatives appreciate the difference between personal liberty when it is paired with keeping governmental paws off our pocketbooks. As a self-loathing Capitalist, it might be good therapy for you ...

The Painting Journalist

While at the Louisville chapter of the SPJ program on Thursday night, I was pleased to make the acquaintance of a fellow blogger named Ashley Cecil. She produces an amazing blog by combining her love for painting with journalistic endeavors. While describing what she does, she uses the term "social justice" to describe what she hopes to highlight on her blog. I cringe at that phrase because, truth be told, social justice is most often harshly metered by Darwinistic human apathy. I would simply call what she does an artistic approach to invoking human kindness. No political party on this planet has the market cornered on encouraging human kindness; therefore, I see her efforts as outside of typical political partisanship. You absolutely MUST visit her blog, " The Painting Journalist ." The tagline is "describing the world with a paintbrush;" however, she is describing the world firsthand with a flair for words as well as for the paintbrush. I do believe she...

Thoughts on the SPJ Panel Discussion

As many of you are aware, I participated in a panel discussion at the Louisville chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists on Thursday, November 16th. It was truly a joy to share thoughts and opinions with others (both panelists and members of the SPJ) on blogging during this meeting of the SPJ. Ed Staats was a wonderful host. He certainly made Mark (my boyfriend) and I feel right at home from the moment we arrived and guided us easily into and out of the program. Milton Metz is not only very entertaining as a dinner companion but he's also quite a gentleman. Both are simply lovely people and their wives complement that loveliness very well. They must make this organization quite proud. It was a true pleasure meeting Nabil Echchaibi, Mark Hebert, and Mark Nickolas. They are all passionate about what they do and have some very interesting thoughts on the process and the people around them. Quite frankly, I was surprised to find myself in agreement with just about every poin...

Finding Common Ground

If I didn't learn a little something new every day, it would hardly be worth leaving a warm bed each morning. So I view challenges as opportunities in that regard. I have learned a few valuable things over the past few days -- many of which you may all ready know yourselves but these were "aha!" moments for me so I thought I'd share: (1) I am more capable of knee-jerk reactions based on a phrase or the implication of a viewpoint that I feel is trite and tiresome than I thought. I did it in the comments section of my very own blog. The insight came into this came because Una took me to task on it. Her comment turned my snide dismissal into an opportunity to find common ground with the person who was subject to the knee-jerk reaction. I like that about the people who visit this blog -- not afraid to call it like they see it. And, more importantly, not afraid to admit to a mistaken first impression. The beauty of this is that both the anonymous commenter and I were able ...

Evidently, it's Tax Night on ConservaChick!

As my earlier post alluded to the heated comment thread on Mr. Nickolas and his alleged tax issue, I find it amusing that this next post will be tax-related. Isn't the universe wonderfully full of humor? by Terry Dillard of The Right Track Well, the elections are over and I've heard everything from "It's a sure thing" to "No way it'll even make it out of committee now" regarding the FairTax. One thing I do know -- never underestimate the power of a grassroots movement. Democrats were shown in 1994 not to take their power for granted, and Republicans had that same lesson hammered home to them a week ago. The American people have no hesitation whatsoever about "flushing the toilet" as I prefer to call it. Whatever your political orientation, it's been amply proven by now that lower taxes produce a stronger economy -- if we can keep spending in check. Giving Americans the ability to choose exactly how much they pay in taxes via the FairTax...

As the Blog Turns...

Gee. I have found myself fascinated by the soap opera unfolding in the comments section of this blog since last night. One little mention on a controversial Democrat's blog and it's High Noon on ConservaChick! (Yes, I'm laughing while I type this.) For those of you who have no idea what's happening in the ever-expanding comments section , join the club! Here's what I know about Mark Nickolas from bits and pieces I've read on his blog, and from a local news report: Nickolas likes to sneer at Republicans and call them snide little nicknames as he provides his "Unfiltered and Candid Look at Politics, Politicians and the Media in Kentucky;" he raised a ruckus within the Democrat party here in Kentucky by filing a suit against the chairman of the party , Jerry Lundergan; and he will be appearing on the same panel with yours truly on Thursday night. That's about it. You now have the benefit of my not-so-extensive knowledge on this subject. Nickolas poste...

Enjoy your retirement, Mr. Rumsfeld...'ve certainly earned it! I'm going to miss the loveable yet surly and sardonic Donald Rumsfeld ! Say what you will about him but he was the best at no-nonsense conferences. Granted, he might have prosecuted our war against the Islamo-fascists a bit differently but some of our troops respected him : "I am disappointed that Rumsfeld will go down in history as a villain," says Army Spc. Michael Sanchez, based in Ramadi, in restive western Iraq, in an e-mail. "Instead of offering honest discourse on his positions ... the media crucified him and manipulatively pointed to the broad and dark negativity of war as a sign of his allegedly poor leadership." So, now that he's resigned, this was bound to happen... If you haven't seen this bit from the Craig Ferguson Show , get ready to laugh yourself silly. I think Craig Ferguson is going to miss Rummy; I'd be willing to bet that Donald Rumsfeld himself would find this hilarious! Thanks for the heads up...

Immigration Reform and the Recent Elections

Regardless of what you may be reading both online and off about which issues cost the Republicans their majorities in Congress, one area where folks are getting it wrong is Immigration Reform. Roy Beck at NumbersUSA has done some election analysis with regard to Immigration Reform; many of you may find it quite surprising! Here's a small sample of it: Loss of Election by Republicans Based on Their Immigration-Reduction Grade of This Congress 9.6% with an A grade lost 9.2% with a B grade lost 6.4% with a C grade lost 9.5% with a D grade lost 25.0% with an F grade lost Voters supported many of the candidates and incumbents who have taken a tough stance on illegal immigration. The incumbents with a decent "report card" on reform fared much better with voters than those who did not. Voters certainly seemed intent on unseating incumbents with a horrible record on immigration reform legislation. This may have been a non-partisan issue. The bad news is that with the new Democr...

New Party Catch Phrase

Howard Dean has asked The People's Cube to help craft a new catch phrase for the party. You can help ! And, with gems like these, you might want to act quickly before Dean picks one: If it ain't easy, it ain't workin'! Why is everyone else so stupid? Islamists don't cause war, stupid, our military does! While you're at The People's Cube, don't miss the new articles on meetings between the new Democrat leaders on the Hill and Al Qaeda. They are already hard at work solving the world's problems in a bipartisan way!

Kentucky Club for Growth

I joined the Club for Growth a few years ago because of their national, non-partisan, action-oriented focus on one of the most important issues to me -- free market economics. I've always been a fan of Ayn Rand . Her book " Atlas Shrugged " made a huge amount of sense to me and is a weighty -- at over 1,000 pages, quite literally -- warning that the government cannot (or should not) control free enterprise unless they wish to penalize the providers in this country. Without them, we're all jobless and penniless. Without the currency to do the things we dream, we can only dream. Economics and a healthy economy are crucial to this nation. Too many politicians are still under the impression that enterprises can be "commanded" to raise wages and hire people when it makes no business sense to do so. With the Dems being newly elected to the majority on Capitol Hill, the "nanny state" sense of entitlement will do nothing but blossom. I dread the economic ...

Thank you, Veterans!

Today is a day to remember and thank all of our brave men and women who have served (or are still serving) this country in uniform. Please remember them in your thoughts, deeds, and words today. For my Dad who served 22 years in the Army and spent more than his share of time on foreign soil serving this country and protecting American freedom and ideals: Thanks, Pop! You did a job that most us cannot even begin to fathom, risked your own life many times to get supplies out to the field, delivered many soldiers home from the battlefront so they could return home to their last resting places, and saw many things that will stay with you forever. Many Americans did not understand your sacrifice during Vietnam and you were "rewarded" with their hate and discontent upon your return. You deserved so much better. If nothing else, know that your daughter understands and appreciates all you have done in the service of our great nation. I love you and appreciate you more than I'll e...

Al Qaeda Wins 2006 Elections. Film at 11 (on CNN, of course).

Since Pakistan handed over the "new" HQ for Al Qaeda ( Warziristan ) and Democrats won the majority of seats in the House and the Senate it would seem to me that Al Qaeda has won. With the media war they began before we invaded Iraq and deposed Hussein, the stepped-up violence in Baghdad, and CNN proudly delivering their propaganda (the terrorist video) it wasn't a bad bet that they would win. Really. I wonder who put their money on Al Qaeda in the sports pools in Vegas... You have to hand it to Al Qaeda and the Islamo-fascists. They have more patience and more media savvy than we Americans who understand what's at stake daily. Evidently, they know this country's short attention span all too well. From Saudi Cleric Nasser bin Suleiman Al-'Omar: ‘ America is Now Disappearing From the Hearts Within America Itself... " "Today, America is defeated. I have no doubt, not even for a minute, that America is on its way to destruction. But as Ibn Khaldoun said...

Reminder: Event next Thursday (11/16/06)

Just a quick reminder for anyone who may be interested: Who? Louisville chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists & the public What? Dinner meeting and program w/panel discussion "Just Who Are Those Bloggers, Anyway?" Where? The Holiday Inn at 2nd and Broadway in downtown Louisville. When? The meeting begins at 6:30pm; Dinner is at 7pm; Program to follow. How Much? $25 The deadline for registration is Monday, November 13. You are invited to register by e-mail at .

Coalition to Salute America's Heroes

This Veteran's Day, please take a moment to honor our past and present military service members, not only in word but in deed. If you cannot lend a hand or do something meaningful for our veterans tomorrow, you can certainly support an organization who does it on a daily basis. Our veterans selflessly served and sacrificed for our country. It is now our turn to support and thank them for their service, especially those who were wounded in the line of duty. The Coalition to Salute America's Heroes is a non-profit organization that provides support and hope for our seriously wounded veterans and active duty military members who have nowhere else to turn after they return from war. One of their most critical programs is the Road to Recovery Conference. The annual Road to Recovery Conference provides an all-expense-paid educational and service event for wounded heroes and their families. Activities at the conference include seminars, career counseling, and evaluations, as well as ...

Mourning but with Optimism

Stunned. Last night, this morning... simply stunned. Nothing else describes it. Not so much stunned by the changing of the guard (it's inevitable) but by the realization that I was blinded by my own optimism and faith in American fortitude not to see it coming. As I watched the election returns last night, I was flabbergasted. In my mind, this was a resounding defeat for the American ability to see a job through, to continue to strive for a victory worth winning. Just as the pundits have said, this was a referendum on the Republican-led efforts over the past six years. You'll get no excuses from me -- I supported the GOP in words and actions for the past 23 years because I believe Conservatism is the best ideology for America and Liberal Socialism is an experiment that has failed consistently throughout history. So, where did it all go wrong?... I know this won't be a popular opinion but it seems Republicans went wrong over the past six years in two respects: (1) they beca...

The Fat Lady sings tomorrow!

Well, my friends, this is our last evening of automated campaign phone calls and campaign ads. It feels good to be at the brink of deciding this election and leaving the noise behind, doesn't it? Have no doubt that Yours Truly will be casting her ballot tomorrow with the knowledge that the rest of the country isn't as easily-led or as stupid as John Kerry and company seem to think we are. I feel very comfortable that the GOP will maintain the majority in the Senate. I really don't see the smart people of this country handing over the reins to the Dems in either house of Congress but it's possible they make take a slim majority in the House of Representatives. Which, if you think about it, would be a damned shame because the House has been more steadily Conservative during President Bush's term in office than the Senate. Ah well. We'll see what song the Fat Lady sings tomorrow night: "Song Sung Blue," or "Little Red Corvette." Cross your finge...

The End of an Iraqi Era

Justice has finally been served on a silver platter to Saddam Hussein by the people of Iraq. The Butcher of Baghdad is now nothing more than a cold slab of meat waiting in his cell to be hung out to cure. That era of tyranny is over now. I wish all free Iraqis well as they sort out the old and move forward with the new. Mohammed blogged his first reaction to the news at Pajamas Media . (Mohammed and Omar are the voices behind Iraq the Model .) Here's a snippet: "Right now volleys of bullets ring not far from where I sit, some are fired to express joy while others are fired in a desperate expression of denial but I have no doubt who is going to prevail. Although the road is long but we are walking forward and will not look back. I salute the honorable special tribunal that challenged threats and risks and insisted on keeping up the work until the end, and today it brought back the pride of the land that wrote the world’s first laws. " Congratulations, my friends! You have...

So, can *I* vote in Washington State too?...

Wow! With such stunning marketing manuevers like the one I posted just a moment ago and now this one, it's no wonder the MSM thinks the Dems are a shoo in for control of the House and the Senate this mid-term! Sheesh. The League of Conservation Voters sent out mailers to folks in Billings, Montana (scroll to the last page) encouraging them to vote for Darcy Burner a Dem candidate for WASHINGTON STATE's 8th Congressional district! Oh my. All this laughing hurts!

D'oh! Nice move, Kellam!

This is absolutely HILARIOUS! Democrat candidate in Virginia's 2nd Congressional District, Phil Kellam , sent out robo-calls today to his Democrat base and encouraged them to get out and vote today. Yep, TODAY! Hear it for yourself; it's priceless ! I sure hope they took his advice because the polls aren't even open yet -- they may be a little miffed and not even bother to get out tomorrow! D'oh!! I'll betcha the incumbent, Republican Congresswoman Thelma Drake , knows what day her voters ought to go to the polls! hehehe (What's that old Dem motto?... Vote early; vote often?...)

Call for Discussion! Anyone?... Bueller?...

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'll be participating on a panel at the next meeting of the Louisville chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. This panel is supposed to be discussing the "medium rather than the message" and "blogging and especially how it connects with journalism as we used to know it." Of course, I'm full of opinions on this. Would you expect any less of me? ;o) However, as preparation for the discussion, I'm really very curious what you all (fellow bloggers and blog readers) think about these questions. So, can we open a small discussion just among friends? -- What do you think about blogs as a communication medium? How does blogging (or the reading of blogs) compare/contrast/connect to journalism as we used to know it?

UPDATE: Opportunity Knocks!

Oddly enough, a day after I wrote that Kerry ought to be called on to resign from Congress, I get an email from The Patriot Post with a link to a petition to have him investigated and removed from his position in the Senate! "We, the People of these United States, rightfully petition our national government to prosecute John Kerry for 'giving aid and comfort to the enemy' and to disqualify him for national office...." Read the full petition here . Sign it and rejoice that some great Americans have initiated an action that is long overdue by the rest of us! Time for this traitor to exit stage LEFT!

"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

I have heard the grumblings among Conservatives who are undecided whether they will even bother to vote this time around. They're upset that, even though the GOP has held the majority in both Houses and in the Executive branch, our leadership has gone Liberal on us -- the GOP has been spending like drunken sailors and is catering too much to the Left. I don't disagree with that; however, Election Day is not the day to voice discontent. With mid-term elections right around the corner, I'm hearing a lot of nonsense out of normally right-thinking, smart people. Not vote? Stay home? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Look, if you are discontented with the way our Republican majority has been performing, you need to let them know DURING their terms, not on Election Day. Our obligation as citizens is to be sure that our representatives in Congress get an occasional "report card" from us. The Kentucky delegation in Washington, DC have a number of "attaboy" and "what the...

DNC Agenda for 2008

Agenda for DNC 2008 Democratic National Convention Agenda 7:00 P.M. Opening flag burning. 7:15 P.M. Pledge of allegiance to U.N. 7:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast. 7:30 P.M. Non-religious prayer and worship (Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton). 8:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast. 8:05 P.M. Ceremonial tree hugging. 8:15 P.M. Gay Wedding (Barney Frank, presiding). 8:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast. 8:35 P.M. Free Saddam Rally (Cindy Sheehan & Susan Sarandon). 9:00 P.M. Keynote speech: "The proper etiquette for surrender" (French President Jacques Chirac) 9:15 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast. 9:20 P.M. Collection to benefit the Osama Bin Laden Kidney Transplant Fund. 9:30 P.M. Unveiling of plan to free freedom fighters from Guantanamo Bay (Sean Penn). 9:40 P.M. "Why I hate the Military" (a short talk by William Jefferson Clinton). 9:45 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast. 9:50 P.M. Dan Rather presented the Truth in Broadcasting Award by Michael Moore. 9:5...

Kerry Recruiting Poster

Gee, I wonder how the new poster will affect this quarter's recruitment numbers... Thanks for the laugh, Master Chief! ...Keep 'em coming!

POW Lawsuit against Kerry

Many have said that John Kerry 's recent remarks at Pasadena City College were evidence that this man is still living in the 1960s Vietnam draft era. I think I know why... Back in 2004 when Vietnam veterans brought Kerry's dubious war record and his anti-war activities to the forefront, Kerry did everything he could to avoid the issue and suppress the voices of those veterans he slandered time after time. Kerry is still living in that era because he's being forced to by Vietnam veterans who will not rest until the lies of this traitorous idiot are completely unmasked. The Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation has filed a lawsuit that could force Kerry to come clean on his Vietnam "war crimes" charges: "Thirty five years ago John Kerry slandered an entire generation of men who fought in Vietnam branding them as a "war criminals." Today, much of the same thing is being said about our young men and women in Iraq. Now, a lawsuit filed in Philadelphia’s C...