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Showing posts from January, 2010

Michael Moore’s film will be subsidized by taxpayers

Moore's hypocrisy knows no bounds. In Michael Moore's 2009 film "Capitalism: A Love Story," Michigan native Michael Moore went to Wall Street with a request to corporate officials whose companies received bailout money from the federal government. Moore was criticizing an economic system he calls "legalized greed," but the Mackinac Center has discovered that Moore's movie qualified for a windfall — at the expense of Michigan taxpayers. This story, which broke yesterday evening, is spreading like wildfire through the blogosphere and has already been picked up in National Review Online , Baltimore Sun , and the Daily Caller .  To read the story click here .   Watch the video here

We need a Illinois Miracle

The Illinois Senate primary is coming up this Tuesday, February 2nd ...4 days away   The Republican front runner is Mark Kirk, an Illinois representative who was one of only 8 Republicans who voted for Cap and Trade; and who voted for the TARP bailouts.   Meanwhile, the majority of tea party and 912 groups in Illinois have been backing Judge Don Lowery as the "we the people" candidate to take out Mark Kirk.... and the Independence Caucus has vetted and endorsed Judge Lowery.   An Independence Caucus research team has been looking into Mark Kirk's money trail back to the 30 companies that got 95% of all the TARP money. (Kirk voted in favor of TARP)   Results have just been posted on this YOU TUBE clip: Wait until you see how much money Kirk has been receiving each month from those 30 bailout companies since he voted for's ...

Former Pacific Fleet Commander warns Obama: "Don't Link Climate Change and National Security"

Former top military commander warns Obama against linking climate change and national security; calls for independent review Washington, DC (Jan. 27) - Ahead of the State of the Union address and in the wake of recent and ongoing climate science scandals, President Obama should appoint an independent panel of experts to evaluate the purported climate change-national security link, urged Adm. James A. Lyons, Jr., USN (Ret.), former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet and Chairman of the Center for Security Policy's Military Committee. The supposed relationship between climate change and national security "is too important an issue to be driven by unsubstantiated claims, tainted by scandal, and to result in counterproductive policies," Adm. Lyons stated in the open letter. Adm. Lyons' letter points out that both the ongoing Climategate scandal involving senior United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scientists and the IPCC...

Webinar Rescheduled for Thurs. 1/28 - 3pm EST

Webinar Rescheduled... Thursday January 28th 3pm Eastern  Post State of the Union Wrap-Up Due to technical problems, the TAKE BACK MEDICINE webinar today has been rescheduled for TOMORROW, THURS, JAN 28 AT 3 PM EST.   So, tonight, listen to what President Obama has to say in his State of the Union address, and the Republican response.   Then log in to the Webinar to find out what's REALLY going on with healthcare reform in Washington DC. Learn what you can do, as both a patient and activist,  to protect yourself and fight oppressive, costly healthcare reforms.   U.S. Senate Candidate Cherilyn Eagar (R-UT) will host this event, featuring Kathryn Serkes , Director of Policy and Public Affairs for the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons.  Ms. Serkes will tell you what you can do as a patient to protect yourself from nationalized health care. Also featured is Amy Kremer of the American Grassroots Coalition to discuss upcoming grassroots action to stop govern...

Freedom -- a fading vision in America?

Do yourself a favor and read this article from Lew Rockwell today before the SOTU speech tonight. It is a wonderful piece of writing that reminds us all how freedom is slipping away so quickly that it almost seems "normal." It will also remind you during the speech that you are hearing a brand of propaganda from someone who has no real concept of "freedom." Enjoy the speech tonight. It's bound to be an entertaining work of fiction.

Participate in the State of the Union tonight with the NRCC

The NRCC is making an online chat available to Republicans today/tonight to discuss the State of Obama speech. Here's the scoop, directly from their email to me today. Tonight Barack Obama will give his first State of the Union address, and try to explain why he failed to deliver on every promise he made upon taking office. This year's State of the Union address will be a key moment for Democrats and we want to hear your thoughts and questions as it happens. We have two ways for you play an active role in the GOP discussion during and after the speech. Beginning right now through the address, if you text Union to 777218 you will receive information and a link to participate in our online text chat room. Immediately after the speech I invite you to pose questions to House Republicans who will answer your questions via streaming video. Please go to to participate. Both of these opportunities allow you to have...

Webinars on "Healthcare Reform"

Upcoming "healthcare reform" webinars: For Patients on Jan. 27th and Physicians on Feb. 2nd. On January 27th - 2pm Eastern - Patient Town Hall: Patient Power - Take Back Medicine Now! Republicans are exulting over the defeat of Martha Coakley in Massachusetts and the seeming defeat of the "healthcare reform" bill. Even so, the Progressive movement is ramping up efforts to salvage the "healthcare reform" that the voters just trounced. And some Republicans, along with the AMA, support them. Let your voice be heard. In this webinar you will learn what you can do NOW to stop Congress from destroying health care in America. The healthcare debate is not about health care. It's about who controls healthcare. U.S. Senate Candidate Cherilyn Eagar (R-UT) will host this event, featuring Kathryn Serkes, Director of Policy and Public Affairs for the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons. Ms. Serkes will tell you what you can do as a patient to protect y...

Tickets for Saturday's Rally can be purchased online!

Rand and Ron Paul will meet at the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center Entrance B, Room 101 at 4:00 pm ET at 937 Phillips Lane in Louisville. Those who join them will hear the latest news from both men about the battle for freedom in America and how one U.S. Senate campaign in Kentucky will usher in the next stage of the fight. Admission is just $25 per adult and there is no charge for children. You may purchase tickets by clicking here or at the door on Saturday. So bring the family and encourage all your friends to come, too. I sure hope to see most of Louisville and the surrounding areas represented there!

Health care solutions that make sense!

This neurosurgeon, David McKalip, M.D., has long been opposed to "Obamacare" and has written several articles on the subject. I strongly advocate the system of Healthcare Spending Accounts and moving Medicare from a government-mismanaged program to a savings systems as well. This is his most current article . Read what he has to say. It's enlightening because he hits both sides of the argument over who controls your "right" to access healthcare that a doctor may prescribe for you. Liberals say it's the insurance companies (and it is, to some degree) and Conservatives say that, if yet another government healthcare program is passed, it will be the government bureaucrats. We're all right. So what do we do about it? This doc hits the nail on the head with a rational solution that works well now and could help reform the mess created by government as well.

Oh yeah? Well, here's his chance!

"I will conduct an immediate and periodic public inventory of administrative offices and functions and require agency leaders to work together to root out redundancy. Where consolidation is not the right strategy to improve efficiency, I will improve information sharing and use of common assets to minimize wasteful duplication." Senator Coburn (R-OK) is handing it to him on a silver platter. Let's see how quickly he takes advantage of yet another chance to fulfill a campaign promise, shall we? Read the full article at the Washington Examiner .

Talk Show/Fair Tax Author, Neal Boortz, joins GOOOH

TALK SHOW HOST NEAL BOORTZ JOINS GOOOH [...] "The GOOOH movement seeks to unite Tea Party, conservative, moderate and liberal groups to replace all 435 members of the House of Representatives by selecting citizen candidates independent of special interest money and two-party politics. Many Americans resent the strongarm tactics employed recently to push a Healthcare Bill through the Congress, despite polls showing a majority of Americans do not want the legislation in its current form. Recently, the Abigail Adams Project and Fair Tax Nation have decided to work together with GOOOH to restore representation to the House. " GOOOH get 'em, Neal!

Walking for Rand -- Saturday, Jan. 30th

Help kick off our voter contact program by going door-to-door with Dr. Rand Paul and his family! Join us on January 30 at 10:00 A.M. (EST) as we go door-to-door in Louisville doing a brief, two question voter survey. This voter contact program is the way to carry Rand Paul over the top in the Republican primary, and you can help! Meet us at the Wal-Mart parking lot at 7101 Cedar Springs Blvd. (I-265 Gene Snyder Fwy at Bardstown Rd) in Louisville on the morning of the Rally For The Republicans as we kick our campaign into high gear! We'll collect voter data from 10:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M., and then make our way to the Rally at the Kentucky Fair and Expo Center. [ConservaChick and ConservaCousin will be there to canvass with the Pauls on Saturday. Come on out and join the Revolution! Hope to see you at the walk and at the rally that Saturday!]

Media bias -- no longer subtle

Case Study in New York Times Bias, Coakley/Brown Edition I think every reasonable person understands that we process experience and reality through our own carefully-crafted set of filters; however, even in Journalism 101, we were taught better than this! The NYT has finally decided to just let their bias flag fly, I suppose.

Coakley Campaigners Posting Signs Near Polling Locations Busted in Lawrence, MA

Well, this is good news! With just 3 more hours to go now, I guess better late than never. There can never be enough citizen "sheriffs" in an election like this one. Coakley Campaigners Posting Signs Near Polling Locations Busted in Lawrence, MA January 19th, 2010, Lawrence, MA-- Part 1: A van that we have seen previously today shows up again planting signs. A guy got out of it. He blindsides our cameraman, he curses, and bumps him. In the bump his finger hits the stop record. He realizes and records again. Part 2: The van is documented, and they explain what happened. Part 3: They explain to the offenders the violation. Part 4: The offenders move the signs.

Election Observer: Coakley worker offers to buy poll workers lunch, told by cop to "sit down"

I don't know about the People's Republic of Mass. but here in Kentucky, it's illegal to buy or make and bring in lunch for poll workers. Election Observer: Coakley worker offers to buy poll workers lunch, told by cop to "sit down" January 19th, 2010, Lawrence, MA-- ###

A Scott heard 'round the world!

To borrow a phrase I heard from someone in Massachusetts... "The Second Revolution has begun with the Scott heard 'round the world!" After reading the posts on's Poll Watchers site and hearing from my sister-in-law today, I feel more confident than ever that people in Massachusetts have our back today. I am absolutely glowing with optimism that, provided the abundant potential for fraud is kept in check, the people in Massachusetts are going to elect the 41st vote against Obama's fascist health care takeover! Thanks, Massachusetts voters!!!

Watching the Poll Watchers

At's Senate Race 2010 website , you can check out the votes, the atmosphere, and the commentary of people who are voting in Massachusetts today. Some of these are actually pretty darned funny! (Check out Abington's poll watcher commentaries.)

MA. Polling Official: "We Have to Call City Hall" Before Signs Removed

It's called "electioneering," folks. Apparently it's going on all over the place today. (Maybe we need to call in the UN Election Monitors, eh?) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- January 19, 2010 10:15 AM EST From : We reported earlier on sign violations at precincts in Boston. An in the field reporter for NRN spoke with an election official at a precinct about these violations. Click here to see the video. (H/T Samantha Barrett for capturing this footage) If these people can't enforce the rules on signs, how will they be able to run a fair election? Watch the video at . Adam R. Bitely Executive Director Follow Adam on Twitter .

Special Election Alert: Warden a no-show, police open machine

Poll workers are trained thoroughly here in Kentucky. Apparently, expectations and training are either non-existent or the bar is set awfully low in Massachusetts. I've worked the polls for several elections in this state and what is reported here is obscenely wrong. Elections matter, folks. That poll warden ought to be dismissed. Warden a no-show, police open machine By Andrew W. Griffin Oklahoma Watchdog, editor LAWRENCE, Mass. — At the Essex Towers senior public housing, voters are being allowed to vote despite the poll warden not showing up. According to a poll watcher for Republican candidate Scott Brown, a Lawrence Police Department officer unlocked the ballot box. This was observed by Americans for Limited Government, and Brown and Martha Coakley poll watchers. The poll warden had taken a child to school, according to one observer. The police later opened a polling machine for a handicapped man. There was still no evidence of a pol...

Special Election Alert: Teacher -- 'I'm really in enemy territory'

I'll try to keep you all posted today via email into my blog from my sources. Good luck today, Scott Brown! Those of us outside of Massachusetts are pulling for you every bit as much as those on the right side of history in your own state!! Teacher: 'I'm really in enemy territory' By Andrew W. Griffin Oklahoma Watchdog, editor LAWRENCE, Mass. — Minutes after the polls opened at Guilmette School here in Lawrence, school teacher Diane MacDonald drove up into the parking lot in a car sporing a Scott Brown for Senate bumper sticker in her back window. Stopping her to talk, MacDonald told Oklahoma Watchdog that for over a week she had been blasted with emails from her teacher's union telling her and other teachers to be sure and vote for Democrat Martha Coakley. Pointing to her Brown sticker, MacDonald smiled and said, "I'm really in enemy territory being a school teacher." Noting the pro-Coakley email blasts from her union, MacDonald added: "They are ...

Second Revolution - Let's get GOOOHing!

It was implied a few months ago, when I posted a picture of the Flag of the Second Revolution, that I had lost my marbles. Maybe I have but not in the way the commenters might have thought... The Second Revolution will probably not be televised and it will probably not require a call to arms. What it will require is that we clean House. Yes, "House" with a capital H. I believe the Speaker of the House promised to " drain the swamp " when she and her ilk were granted the majority in the House and Senate last election cycle. Well, apparently she has no intention of keeping that promise. Did we REALLY expect her to keep that promise? Really? Well, since she isn't keeping her promises and many of the Republicans don't either, the revolutionaries behind GOOOH will be doing it for all of us. And now, folks, you're officially "in" on what we might call the Second Revolution! I attended a GOOOH ("Get Out Of Our House") mock selection process...

Congrats to Scott Brown!

Congratulations on a very nice endorsement for the future Senator from New York! Good luck on Tuesday, Scott. My sister-in-law in Fall River will probably be helping boost your tally that day. Many patriots from all over this nation will be pulling for you!

Germans know how to protest!

From The Muschinski's description of the video on YouTube : "The underwear bomber's Christmas Day attack has prompted calls for the increased use of full-body scanners at airports. So to protest, members of the Pirate Party in Germany organized a fleshmob of people who stripped down to their skivvies last Sunday and converged on the Berlin-Tegal airport. The protesters marked their bodies with a number of messages such as, 'Something to hide?' and 'Be a good citizen — drop your pants.' " [...] So I suppose it all comes down to this, eh? We dare not profile, lest we offend Amir and his right to pack a bomb in his panties. A great big thanks to Germany's Pirate Party for making a statement that many of us would like to make but have too much flab to feel good about making in public. Well done!!

Goodbye 2009; Hello 2010!

As a kiss-off to a really sucky year, for your entertainment, I present my favorite Obama cartoon from 2009. Thanks, Glenn McCoy (genius)! And as a prelude to good things to come in 2010, enjoy the following two videos. See you at the ballot box, Patriots!